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Posts posted by Linda1951

  1. sometime this month we are going up to the Community college advisor and find out some things, but from what I have been told by the woman in admissions, I showed her pdf a copy of what DD's transcript would look like and she said it was fine. She does not have to have Geometry or Chemistry.

    She wants to be a graphic arts and do stuff on the computer graphic design.

    She would need to take the entrance test and go from their.

    No volunteering.

  2. I have always heard that the unpardonable sin is not accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior.


    God forgives all sins. If a person kills themselves God knows the situation and it is his choice to forgive or not.

    Only he knows what was going on in that persons live and mind at the time.

  3. For the CHristian care center in our town. We got 40.00 worth of food and 7 bags, of macaroni and cheese, pop tarts, evaporated milk, oatmeal.

    Our church supports them with food. More and more people are going in there to see if they can get food. so they need more and more donations.


    We plan on doing this twice a month. that is 80 items to them from us. Our class at church collects milk and noodles.

  4. DH and I had gone to a marriage class a few months ago just to check it out.

    We learned a lot. We are like you , but we now

    go out to eat breakfast on Saturdays. no kids.

    We take a walk by ourselves in the neighborhood afterwards.

    We do spend time together in church and at get togethers our SundaySchool class has.

    If you are happy the way you are not doing things together I do not see anything wrong with it.

  5. Never heard of it but I do


    Pizzas make my own with Bisquick.

    chicken make my own

    tacos make my own


    restuarants are charging for every little thing now.

    I was at taco bell and they charged me because I asked for 4 taco sauces packets. You have to ask for ketchup at places or you do not get it.


    They throw in charges you do not even notice till you have paid and get your receipt.


    I always make a menu so that helps with what food we have in the house.


    Yesterday I bought frozen already made casseroles, so I would have more room in the ice box for regular food and not other food we do not use right away.


    Even for three people eating out is not an opition.

    With the price of gas, delivery charges have gone way up also even if the place is just half a mile away they charge over 5 dollars to deliver.


    To me buying the food and cooking it is better.

  6. On another site that I used to go to,

    we had a buddy. Someone not on your side of the US , If someone was from another country they would ask the moderators if there was someone else on the board near where they were to buddy with. We had one person in England a buddy with someone in German.


    We had phone number for contact and private emails.

    When the person was not on the board for say three weeks, or less , you would get in contact with the person. It usually came out that they had just taken some time off and had forgotten.

    As people if they are going to be off the board for a while, say for vacation or just taking a break to post that before they leave.

    Just an Idea.

    maybe someone could start a thread and see where everyone is from and the moderator can assign people to each other.

  7. If he is doing some work for the congregation individually, the church should do a back ground check, then go from there.

    To me, sorry ladies, I may get thrown off the board, but I do not agree with the other statements.

    He has done nothing yet. You cannot falsely accuse him, If you have seen him do something inappropriate then you have a concern, since you have not you have not concern, just because of a past experience. To me that seems what is going on. I may be wrong.

    Put yourself or your husband in that situation. You would not like it.

    Back ground check needs to happen.

    There are people out there who are not Christians and are great people, it may take him long time of coming to church to accept Christ if he has not already.

    I have seen way too many falsely accused of stuff and it ruined their lives.

    Sorry if no one agrees with me.

  8. My Dd has been seeing our dentist, since she was a baby. He is really good with kids, you say it hurts he believes you , plus she has never had a cavitiy and she is almost 17y yrs old.

    some regular dentist just do not want to mess with little ones because they can squirm around scream, etc.

    Suppossidly pediatric ones know how to handle children.

    They can cost a lot.

    Our dentist is an exception, he works with everyone on their bill.

    A few months ago I had a temporary crown and it started flaking off and they did not charge me to go in and took two hours to put another temporary one on. To me the stuff they used was not as solid as the ones I had before. I could tell that.

    Ask about paying half on the visit and the other half the next month. Most will only take a credit card if you cannot pay cash.

    Everyone wants their money. Now.

  9. "However, there was a case here in Oregon about 18 months ago. A mom was standing on the sidewalk talking to her friend while her kids were in the car. She was right next to the car (given on the passenger side) She had the doors unlocked and the engine running (and a lot of people do this) Someone jumped in her car and drove it off with the kids in. They were fine, but that is the reason I always take an extra look when I see kids in a car with mom chatting outside the car. You never know who is around."


    had to do the quote this way could not get it to work.


    Here in Texas you do not leave a child under a certain age in the car alone. People get in a hurry, a lot of people just seem to forget that they have a kid with them and leave, them, especially little ones. How I do not know but way too many do. Also if there are not a lot of people around the area to see, a predator could break open the window open the door and take the child, yes that does happen. Plus when you go into any place you do not know how many people are in line and how long it will take. Even at home the kids in the drive way in the car, it can slip out of gear, they could fall asleep in the back without you seeing them and you get in the car and they lay there sleeping while you go in someplace.

    People want a child bad enough they will figure a way to get in that car and take the child.

  10. My DD who is now 17 never was allowed to make those kind of decisions on her own. I usually took her birthday and Christmas money and would buy something for her. Now that she is older she make her own decisions. Taking that long to me is unacceptable. I know shame on me. but life is too short to be wasting time 3 hrs and more with a 6 yr old. I would say choose one and leave. do not give her a change to change her mind.

    I am older than most of you and have learned they really do not care which one they get, they more than likely will not play with it anyway.

    I know mean mean me. sorry

  11. My DD has her desk and she keeps all her books and papers and reference books there. I am the one who has to clean and clear it off., She erases a lot and does not clean the eraser stuff off the top of it.

    My desk I use for my stuff I clean off and organize and then the next week it is the same, I really need to get rid of stuff. my DD tells me he does not see how I find anything. I usually do not.:001_smile::001_smile:

  12. We are in Texas have been all my life. Up until a few years ago there was a lot less to do with teaching a child to drive. The legislature changed all that.

    We signed DD up for Drivers Ed at a driving school after I talked to a friend that did the parent taught way,. Every time she went up to the DPS she never had the right forms, or something was always missing. Plus training her daughter drove her nuts.

    We still have to be with DD when she drives 20 hrs on the road with us, 10 at night and 10 during the day.

    but we do save some hassle of her taking the test at the DPS , she takes it at the driving school , the permit test and eye test. Then we just take the papers and her birth certificate and SS card.

    I am scared for her because of the way people drive around here. They are horrible.

    Plus there is graduate drivers license. So you pay for the permit , then the Provisional license and then the one when they turn 18 so they stick it to you three times.

    DH will be doing most of the training after Drivers school. I may sit in the back seat to see how she does but it may take me awhile to ride with her by myself. I trust her but I do not want to be making her uncomfortable either.

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