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Posts posted by sweet2ndchance

  1. My parents talked me out of a music degree. They didn't want me to be a "starving artist" and often told me that music is a great hobby but I needed to major in something that pays well. They wanted me to go into engineering of some kind. I ended up with a degree in computer science that I don't even use at the moment. I really wish I had not listened and got my degree in music. But I was young and had been taught not to question their "wisdom". Music would have made me a lot happier than computer science has. I lived for band and music classes when I was a kid/teenager. That was one thing I made sure I did completely differently with my own kids. I completely support them no matter what their choice of career may be. So far, even if their choice is not what I would have chosen for them, it has worked out well.

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  2. Food allergies can come on even though you've eaten a food many times before. Hives is a pretty serious reaction. I would look into allergy testing for sure. She would need to avoid fish and shellfish as well as antihistamines/steroids prior to the testing. Definitely do NOT tell her to take Benedryl before eating a possible allergen. She needs to avoid reactions, not try to cover them up. If she has another reaction, she could take Benedryl or another antihistamine, WHILE on her way to the doctor! But unless she is having trouble breathing, I wouldn't take anything on the way to the dr. You want them to see the full extent of the reaction.

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  3. We're not for sure homeschooling next year yet but I've been planning for ds(11) to do 5th grade next year. We will start this summer as a trial run before I decide if we will homeschool. Here's what I have planned:

    Math: TGTB Math 4 (It should be a little easy for him to begin with but there are some topics in the middle and end of the year that I definitely want him to have more practice on.)

    Language Arts: Core Knowledge, grade 5

    Spelling: Homemade spelling program using parts of SWR and Spelling Power

    Grammar: Macmillian Treasures Grammar, grade 4 (he's not had much grammar and this looked like a good starting place for him)

    History and Geography: Core Knowledge, grade 5

    Science: Core Knowledge, grade 5 or maybe Noeo Chemistry II, haven't fully decided

    Memory Work: Anki

    Coding: At-Home Middle School coding

    Japanese: his choice, just dabbling in it for now with Duolingo

    Penmanship: I want him to learn cursive, I'll probably just buy a workbook of some kind

    He will probably also have one or more Outschool classes, more for socializing than anything else. Probably Minecraft related.


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  4. 1 hour ago, SKL said:

    There are good things about switching classes.  Just the fact that they aren't sitting still in one place all day, for example.  It's usually great to have a mixture of personalities teaching/guiding a young boy.

    So, I would agree with giving mainstream a trial.  He won't be the only kid in mainstream who is behind in reading.

    I'd plan to spend a lot of time working on reading over the summer, so that he can start stronger next year, whatever path you choose.

    What is your son's age?

    He just turned 11 so he would be going into 6th grade in the fall but we held him back a year already at school so if he stays at school he would be going into 5th grade. His reading is at a 3rd grade level and his math is at a 5th grade level. The reading has come up at school but the math has stagnated. He's allowed to work at his own pace in all skills subjects. 


  5. They start changing classes in 3rd grade here. Ds hated it then and he really doesn't like the idea now. I agree the K-6 class is no longer a good fit for him though.

    I talked about it with him and he's up for homeschooling again if he can keep in touch with his friends. His best friend will be "graduating" out of the K-6 class and going on to the high school next year (high school is 7 - 12 here), so that's a big factor for him. I'm perfectly willing to let him stay in touch and even have more time outside of school together than they do now. We also talked about possibly volunteering with the humane society. He already volunteers with the Elks club with our neighbor. I had forgotten about that.

    I'm actually feeling pretty good about bringing him home at this point. I think I just needed to lay out everything "out loud". lol

    • Like 4
  6. I homeschooled ds from pre-k - 3rd grade. We put him in public school last year because I was at my wit's end with teaching him to read (he is at least mildly dyslexic no matter what the school says (they say he's not, I suspect stealth dyslexia)) and he really needs time with lots of people to socialize with and in our rural area the easiest place to do that for him was public school. At the time, it was a great decision. He had a chance to go to a multi-age, self paced classroom to catch up on his reading while working at grade level in most other subjects and ahead in math since math is his thing. His teacher last year was awesome and really worked well with him and the other kids in the class. He loved his class and his teacher last year.

    This year, a new teacher took over the multi-age class because the awesome teacher moved to teach middle school math. A young guy (I could be his mother!) fresh from college, no kids of his own yet. Ds talks constantly about behavior problems in the class now. And he is constantly sent out of class while the rest of the class is punished for misbehavior. I'm glad ds isn't being punished for behavior he wasn't participating in but it seems to happen at least once or twice a week or more. Ds isn't making progress like he was last year in reading and he is almost out of math lessons so he gets to play games on his chromebook when he runs out of lessons. Then, I found out this week that they are taking naps at school. Now this is a multi-age class K-6, I'd understand if the little kids had nap time and the older kids like ds had quiet reading time or something but I verified with the teacher and yes, all of his students are doing naptime. Ds is a 4/5th grader this year. He doesn't need naptime at school IMO. He needs instruction and extra help.

    I can ask for him to be put back in mainstream classes. Or I can bring him home. When I explained to ds that going back to mainstream classes meant that he would change classes and have different teachers for each subject, he panicked. He did not like that idea at all. He does have a bit of anxiety, always has. His reading is much improved, enough that I feel confident teaching him again but I do think he would struggle in a mainstream classroom. But I'd still have to find some kind of social outlet for him. He has friends at school and of course he could continue to see and talk to them. I'm thinking maybe Outschool classes or volunteering could make up the difference. There just aren't homeschool groups or coops around here.

    So, WWYD in my shoes? I'm going to have ds finish out the year in ps for sure. Then I had already planned on tutoring him myself this summer. I just don't know if I want to let him keep slipping further behind at school when he could be catching up and getting ahead like he was last year.

  7. We travelled to London when my oldest kids were 6, 4 and 3. I agree with the others, Europe is not stroller/wheelchair friendly for the most part. My kids did fine walking around London and the other towns and castles and such that we went to but we took frequent breaks and rode trains, buses and boats part of the time. There was no way I could carry my kiddos with my back and they were much heavier than your kiddo. He sounds like he may be small enough for a carrier. The metal framed ones designed for hiking and such might work and you and dh can switch off if needed.

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  8. On 2/15/2024 at 8:59 AM, Jaybee said:

    In future, for us, I'd probably go one step higher because we are heavier than he is, so the mattress eventually dips a little for us. But that wouldn't be a problem for a guest room.

    Dh and I had the same problem with being on the heavy side and mattress eventually dipping in the middle. We explained our problem when we got our most recent mattress and the salesmen recommended a good quality mattress (not necessarily the most expensive) but also "firm". I was worried at first that it would be like sleeping on a board but it is so comfortable! Everyone (ds and dogs included, sigh) tries to pile on our bed and still no dipping in the middle and it's about 5 years old. I also have severe scoliosis and the firm mattress has been perfect for my back.

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  9. I had HG with all my boy pregnancies but with my girls I only puked one time each pregnancy. I was on multiple anti-emesis drugs with my boys because otherwise I couldn't keep anything down. With the anti-emesis drugs, it was about a 50/50 chance I'd keep it down. Rather crappy way of finding out the sex lol. I don't know of anyway to prevent it but it's also been many years since I had babies. I hope you find the answers you are looking for.

  10. You can definitely do Montessori at home. I incorporated a lot of ideas from Montessori into my homeschool when my children were young. You don't have to have All. The. Things. Especially not at first. Here is a great article about getting started with Montessori at home.

    I would recommend finding some books on the subject rather than peruse the internet because like you said, everyone has an opinion on the matter. Here are a few that I would look into just from searching Amazon:

    The Montessori Home

    The Montessori Toddler

    Montessori: A Modern Approach

    The Absorbent Mind by Maria Montessori


    Keep in mind, it's not all or nothing. You can incorporate just the parts of Montessori philosophy that speak to you. You don't have to do it all to give your daughter an excellent education.

    Your other post about Slow and Steady Get Me Ready made me think of another similar but more modern book that you might look into now for when your daughter is a little bit older. I'm sorry if it was already mentioned and I missed it in the other thread but you might look into A Year of Playing Skillfully. It's meant for children age 3 - 7 but you could start looking into it now and collecting some of the needed items before you need them.

    The toddler years are wonderful for researching homeschool methods and finding one that speaks to you. Between learning to be bilingual and just including her in your everyday life, she will learn plenty of skills in toddlerhood. Don't be in a rush to start school with her. She will have plenty of time for that later. Just enjoy her little-ness for now. It will be gone all too soon.

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  11. It took me a long time to reach that level of trust but I really can tell my current dh anything. We really do share everything with each other, even weird fleeting thoughts and dreams. We've shared details about our pasts, the good, the bad and the ugly. He knows more about me than anyone ever in my whole life has ever known about me and I know the same about him. He truly is my best friend ever.

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  12. 2 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

    the vines will be fine.  Blueberries tend to be pickier, but should probably also be fine provided they are situated well.

    I confess, I'm wondering where you are that you are deliberately PLANTING blackberries!   Around here, the birds will do it for you (two types - not including marionberries), and sane people prefer to pick them on a vacant lot.  on the other side of the freeway . . .   They are vicious vines . . . but good . . . (the local paper had a "your favorite spot for __"  one of the was blackberry picking.  They got answers that included " none of your bleep bleep business".  There are also signs posted on telephone poles advertising blackberry removal.

    years ago, a newbie to the area shared a story about how excited they were to find blackberries in their yard.  They fertilized them, they watered them - and everyone else was doubled over laughing by this point - he learned the hard way.

    Blackberries do grow wild here, in fact the vines I got are 'Ouachita' blackberries and we live in the Ouachita mountains but we haven't found any on or near our property. Dh loves blackberries and blueberries and raspberries though, so I'm planting his favorites lol. I'm going to try again with some strawberry towers too when they start selling strawberry plants around here.

  13. Just now, GoVanGogh said:

    I am in zone 8a/b. (Just changed to 8b with new hardiness maps.) Here, we can plant year round, though late winter and early spring is an ideal time to plant. 
    Blueberries like more acidic soil, so your local soil may need amendments added to acidify the planting area. 
    It is generally recommended not to plant blackberries and raspberries very close together, if possible. If not, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. But if you have the space (and irrigation set up), I would put them on opposite sides of the property. I think that is for disease control issue. (Memory issues…) 

    Forgot to mention we are in zone 7b. We can't quite plant year round but we do have a nice long growing season. We usually do not get more than frost from this point in winter into spring.

    I have peat moss to work on the acidity of the soil.

    I had heard that raspberries and blackberries shouldn't be planted together. I haven't quite decided on layout yet. Since I just have the one raspberry, should I go get another? They only had one variety, 'Red Lantham', should I look for a different variety to go with it like the blueberries?

    Any tips or hints for deer and rabbits? I am afraid I'm just setting up a salad bar for the local wildlife, lol!

  14. I got 3 blueberry bushes, 3 blackberries and 1 raspberry bareroot yesterday. I watched Gary Pilarchik's video on preparing the ground to plant blueberries but he is doing it in September in the video. He's says you can plant them in spring but doesn't given any specifics.

    Our weather has been unusually warm and spring like. Temperatures are averaging in the 60s most days and 40s at night. There are a couple of days in March rain/snow mix is forecast but the temps only hover just above freezing in the morning on those days with a forecasted high in the 50s. 

    Am I going to kill them if I try to get them planted this weekend?

    Any tips for planting a berry garden?

  15. 6 minutes ago, EKS said:

    I believe that it is extremely difficult to get leprosy.  You need to be in intimate contact with the carrier for quite a while.  Like months.  And it's treatable.

    Around here, where I swear road kill armadillo is the state animal because they are everywhere at certain times of year, they actually tell people not to mess with road kill armadillo, just call animal control to dispose of it properly. I know I was just being silly freaking out of about it though. 😉

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