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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. My mom had one of these and while he was a pain to raise, he's been ever so rock-solid as an ethical engineer. Kids like this are more likely to lead groups *away* from drugs, etc., and be otherwise unaffected by negative peer pressure. Perhaps we could get that on a wall hanging 'specially for these times? :D


    Thanks, I needed to hear this today. I even emailed it to my DH. DH has always said our argumentative child is principled. God willing he hangs onto right principles!

  2. I was in a hurry when I added the pictures and didn't get to mention how much fun Papa had at his party. He quoted little poems and rhymes--complete with hand-motions--and sang several songs including Jesus Loves Me and Silent Night. We took a large group picture of all the family and friends who attended and while we were busy arranging people around him, he looked at my father-in-law and said, "This is sure some big blow-out."


    I hope to be as clear-headed when I'm 100!

  3. It wasn't as bad as a senior as you had priority, but for years it was a scheduling PITA.


    Oh, but being a senior didn't help me any. I took two summer school classes at my local community college, but since the grades hadn't transferred by the time I had to register for my fall semester of classes, I had to register as a junior. Spring semester my senior year was already filled with student teaching, so I had no wiggle room for which classes to take in the fall. My registration time was the *last* time period for juniors. By the time I was able to register, two or three of my classes were already filled. I remember going to the dean and begging him to get me into those classes. As he signed my forms he said, "To hell with the Fire Marshall." :D

  4. Thought I'd post an update:


    We eventually talked to the mom involved and she somewhat apologized for the way she handled things. She believed our version of what really happened, but didn't seem surprised or upset at her daughter's role in the whole thing. We said that threatening to call the police on a six-year old boy was unacceptable. We told her to please talk to us if she had a problem with one of our boys and to never talk directly with any of them again.


    We've told our boys to not play with them. We told them to not be mean, but just stay away if they are playing in their yard. The other kids on the street are staying away from that family also because they really showed their true colors in this whole situation. Her kids don't play outside a whole lot, so it's been easier to avoid them than I thought it would be.


    Halloween was a bit tricky as we have a huge block party. They attended, we attended, but we kept clear of her.


    Thanks for all of your concern! I know some people advised us not to talk to her, but my DH is one of those wise and tactful people who is really good at telling people what they need to hear without them getting mad at him. *I* wouldn't have talked to her alone because I don't have that gift!

  5. We're loving it. I'm just happy to have a show that we can all sit down and watch together!


    DD7 and I watched the first episode on hulu yesterday. DD liked it so much that she remembered it aired on Sunday night and reminded me to DVR it.


    I like it (not love it, yet) because the whole family can watch it.


    Does anyone know what it is rated? I've watched the first two and I would be ok with my boys watching them, but I'd hate to get them interested in a show and then make them stop watching because it gets too adult after a few shows.

  6. Oak Knoll, could you contact her through FB and let her know that people here are asking, worried about her, and miss her? Please (I have no FB access right now)


    I can't do it since I deactivated my account recently. She has her fb profile set to public so I was able to find it in a google search. If someone wants to PM me for the link to her profile, I'll be glad to pass it on.

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