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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. Well, dh was offered the job - but decided not to take it. We both really love the area, but the job was just too iffy. Company going through a reorg, mature market, run down facilities, yada, yada, yada.


    I'm disappointed, but it was the right decision.


    Oh, well. I wouldn't want to move anywhere right now if the job was iffy. Do you mind telling me who the offer was from? You can PM me if you don't want to share on the board. I'm just curious...:D

  2. Before I sign up, I have a question:


    When people from one circle respond to a post you make public, can everyone in other circles see it?


    This is the whole reason I left FB--I could NOT keep my family/professional separate, and things family would say were completely inappropriate for my professional connections to see.


    If the post is public, then everyone can see it and the comments.

  3. Today I went to my Tuesday Bible study. One of the moms stood up and shared about a friend that had a 3 month old. She went grocery shopping with her 3 month old. She had the infant car seat in the top part of the buggy. When the bag boy brought out the grocery cart, he hit a speed bump hard. The infant carseat went flying and the baby hit his head. The baby passed away at the hospital. Just wanted to pass this on. BTW I put the infant carrier on the top part of the buggy with both of my babies. So sad....


    I saw that on the news. So sad.

  4. Can somebody add me to TWTM circle? I like the idea of having seperate social circles: TWTM, family, friends, kids schools, etc. TIA


    Google+ circles aren't like fb groups. It's more like fb friends lists. You aren't added to a group, but rather you create a circle.


    Go to the circles page (little icon at the top of your page) and create a circle called WTM. Then go to this list and add all of us to that circle.


    Now, when you go to google+, you can click on your WTM circle (listed in the left hand column) and see what we're all talking about. When you post something that you only want the WTM boardies to see, you click on "+Add circles or people to share with..." and choose your WTM circle.


    Oh and make sure you add yourself to the list so we know which circle to add you to!

  5. Cat, there are some areas, like NYC, that are so big, yes, you can avoid certain types of people. There are other areas that are small, that are heavily influenced by who is who in the area and who you are or are not associated with. I've known people that have attended BJU. I'm familiar with one couple that quit teaching there not too long along. One is doing some interesting research.


    There's one school down there that my husband was supposed to start attending. He would have been getting in based on who he knew. That also collapsed when he wasn't accepted by the "in people" (it wasn't BJU).


    I think Greenville is too big to be heavily influenced by BJU. It's there, people know about it. But if you don't work there, don't go to school there, or don't go to one of the very small handful of BJU approved churches, it would be very easy to ignore their influence.


    I am far more bothered by the all seeing Google than I am by FB. Google see what we search for, what we send in private emails, what photos we keep, what sites we go to (via +1's should you choose to use them) what appointments we have if we use calendar. And should I make them unhappy in any way, I can loose my account for every one of those things, now that scares the crapola out of me as we do use gmail and google calendar. And people are actually advocating them as the safe choice over FB to give more info? It's laughable.


    I don't have a problem with google seeing more about me. Maybe I'm naive about that. My problem is facebook sharing my info, habits, etc with others.

  7. So, I clicked people from the link and added them. But this doesn't mean they will add me. So...how does that work? If I add them as friends but they don't add me, I don't see their feeds, right? Like on FB?


    They will get a notice that you've circled them and have the chance to circle you back. If they don't circle you back, you will still see any post they share publicly. If they do circle you back, you will see any post they share with whatever circle they put you in. Clear as mud?

  8. Well, according to my parents and my in laws, it's not Greenville, SC. It's GREENVILLE, the center of the universe, the only place to live, where everyone is honest and kind, prices are low, the restaurants are generous, the weather is perfect, the water is good, the air is clean, where even God himself would live if he didn't already have Heaven. Indeed, God smiles his favor on GREENVILLE every day. Everyone there is not just above average, but actually superior!


    According to my parents and my in laws, you'd have to be a fool to live anywhere else and pay THOSE PRICES and put up with THAT TRAFFIC!


    Seriously, it cracks me up when my mom visits me in *Texas* and somebody asks her where she's from, and she answers proudly, "Greenville." Like everybody in the world knows where that is and considers her only slightly less than royalty for having such prestigious roots.




    I read this to my husband who is one of those rare Greenville natives (his parents live on land that's been in the family since 1852) and we both got a good chuckle. I would share this on fb with all my Greenville friends and family...if I hadn't deactivated my account yesterday. :-)

  9. One more question - someone mentioned the library. I'm very spoiled with my library here - we can go online, search the catalog, and reserve items. The library emails us when the books come in, a couple days before they are due, and the librarians are (overall) very friendly and helpful. It's also quite large.


    Please tell me the library system down there is awesome!


    My sister-in-law is a librarian by trade, but is currently staying home with her kids. The only thing she complains about is the lack of digital borrowing. (She used to work at the library in Columbia which was the ALA Library of the Year when she worked there, so she has the best of the best to compare it to.)

  10. I live in Greenville too!


    But I would clarify a statement that the schools are excellent in Greenville, and ask what "excellent" is in comparision too. Perhaps they ARE excellent for the state of SC....which is traditionally in bottom 5 out of the 50 states....I think our normal ranking is about 48th. Sooooo, I would take "excellent" with a grain of salt.


    Just something to think about.


    SAT scores for Greenville County Schools are right around/a little below the national average and ACT scores are right around/a little above the national average. Both scores are consistently higher than the state average. (http://ed.sc.gov/topics/researchandstats/schoolreportcard/2010/district/Comprehensive/D2301999.pdf) Greenville has three of the top 10 high schools in the state. (http://www.schooldigger.com/go/SC/schoolrank.aspx?pagetype=top10)


    Just because a school district is in a failing state doesn't mean that the district is also failing.


    BTW, I don't appreciate you telling others to take my opinion with a "grain of salt." Disagree if you want to, but don't do it like that.

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