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Everything posted by booksdelight

  1. I have ordered online and picked up in the store at both Walmart and Kroger. I love the service in Kroger and the produce was fresh but I don't think I'll ever get produce in Walmart.
  2. My older son will be 11 in the last week of May and the younger has just turned 8. We are incredibly lucky that two of the UTD students who help teach the coding classes live very close to us and they have known my sons and worked with them from a very early age and are aware of their skill level and attention span. These are full day courses so they like to have students who they know will stay engaged in coding for 7-8 hour periods (though the younger one gets hives when asked to complete his LA work). If Sacha is interested in Raspberry Pi and Arduino board projects, then they are available for purchase online (Amazon) and you can do those at home with him (my husband spend most weekends tinkering or completing projects with the boys. The big project this year is rebuilding an old Buick engine). There are numerous Youtube videos on them. Both my sons started with Pi and have moved on to Arduino. I would highly recommend both.
  3. Summer Camps : For DS(10) ( For my math geeks, math and Programing is pretty much as good as it gets😄) June 5-9- Programing in Java @ UTDallas June 12-16 - Advanced Java and Android App Development @ UTDallas June 19-23 - Programing in C++ @UTDallas June 25-July 23 - MathPath summer residential camp in MA July 25- Sept 28 - Travel through Europe(brother getting married in UK, so we intend to visit as many countries as we can during our 2 month long visit) Both boys will also be swimming and playing the piano every night and taekwondo and ice hockey with my husband every weekend. For DS(8) June 5-9 - Enjoyable coding with Alice @ UTDallas June12-16 - Introductory GameMaker June 19-23 - Learning to code with Minecraft (Python) June 26- 30 - Enjoyable coding with JavaScript July 3-7 - Engineering Projects with Arduino Boards July 10-21- Taekwondo camp July 25- Sept - Travel through Europe
  4. DS(10) started Saxon Algebra 1 at 8 and DS(8) completing PreAlgebra now and starting Algebra 1 in a couple of weeks. These are kids for whom math is fun and they don't consider math as school. On the other hand, language arts is like pulling tooth. My sons and my husband love to attempt ever math challenge ever posted anywhere, while this liberal arts major likes to curl up with novels😃
  5. Hi All, I am a newbie on these boards and a relative newbie to homeschooling(about 3 years or so). We homeschool due to academic reasons. I am finding these discussions very enlightening. I have to say that as a family we have certain goals in homeschooling (part of that includes community service in the homeless shelter/ soup kitchen / library etc. for my sons) and I do more to propagate those rather then actively trying to serve the homeschooling community. The only clubs I arrange, and are part of, are the social meetings(with my friends and their kids) as my sons have very different academic needs then most kids their age. Even these social meetings initially included many families, but after paying for too many no shows, in too many events, now I only invite people that I know are reliable. Initially, I did pay for and arrange community robotics classes, book clubs, theatre classes etc. but I soon realized that different homeschooling philosophies and situations in life made group classes (especially free ones) difficult to say the least. Now I still have these classes for my children, but I pay for them in a setting where they are with like minded individuals (or kids who are interested in their particular niche science groups) for the most part and whose parents subscribe to the philosophy of the class.
  6. I would highly recommend MIT Open Course Ware. They have classes on organic chemistry. My DS is 10 and he is a huge Physics nerd (esp. Particle Physics) and loves their courses. I would also recommend introducing him to higher math as he would need it for his science courses like quantum mechanics. You might find that you son really enjoys your old college text books too😃( mine pours over his dad's old books and likes to argue with him😋.
  7. No, it is not an online class. My sons take classes in UTD (Texas) offsite campus. UTD has an outreach program that teaches programming to kids from elementary to high school level.
  8. Hi, This is my first time on this board and I am excited to participate. My kiddos goals for 2017: DS 10(Thinker) - Complete Saxon Calculus (he is in the last few chapters of the Saxon Advanced math). He also loves the MIT Open Course Ware classes and will continue with the Physics classes that he is interested in. Physics is his passion, esp. Particle Physics. Get to red belt in Taekwondo Practice on the piano for at least 45 minutes everyday Start Cello lessons(per his request) Swim at least twice a week Go to the next level in his coding class (as he is very much in MOD Design and has completed a couple of Minecraft courses from Youth Digital) Arduino projects with brother Start French DS8 (Tinker)- Complete TT Pre-Algebra (he is half way through it) and TT Algebra Practice piano for at least 45 minutes everyday Get to Green belt in Taekwondo Swim at least twice a week He is starting ALICE in coding and a Robotics class Build new sets of Lego Architecture (this is my hands on builder who can build and fix most things) Arduino projects with brother Start French Family goal: Travel to UK and France in the summer Personal goal: Learn to quilt
  9. Hi, I am new to this forum and very excited to join. We are relatively new to homeschooling so I am looking forward to learn. Thanks.
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