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Posts posted by mom2koh

  1. We just did Madeline this week. I rowed it to see if dd would like the program.


    Lots of culture studies!!! We learned lots about France and where it is. Another fun thing we are doing is coloring maps of all the countries in the books we read this year (liked Madeline so much that we will keep rowing). ;)


    DD also learned to say hello in french.


    But, I totally agree with the pp in that the FIAR forums are a wonderful place. There're even archived sections of activities for each book.


    Homeschool share is fantastic as well.


    Good luck and don't stress the manual and book do wonders.

  2. I was just told on Friday that dd has to go wheat free for 6-8 weeks to see if there is any allergy. She was tested for celiac's but that was negative (IgAs were - and IgG was +). Doc told me to go wheat free and have her tested for any other allergies.


    So my question.... What is the best source for wheat free recipes?


    Thanks! Any ideas welcome.

  3. We just finished our 3rd week using Beyond HOD for DD (5.5) and I will admit, I've tweaked it so much that I wonder if I'm really using it anymore. ;) I do use it as a jumping off point 2-3x a week. DD really likes the history book selections & I pick the best 'hands-on' activities in the unit to accompany that, as well as using the verse of the week.


    But I didn't like the poem selections, and DD is very interested in science so we are using Real Science Odyssey.


    I am using Singapore for math (at our own pace, as DD is moving quickly) but an eclectic mix for reading/phonics. We are loosely following read aloud selections, but on week 3 we've already read 8 books. I'm not good at reading 1 chapter and stopping. ;)


    It has some great strengths, but not a perfect fit for us, so I've tossed out what doesn't work and have kept what does. ;)




    I'm in the same boat as you! We are using Beyond with my 5.5 yo dd but have ended up tweaking to the point where I don't count it as our base. :lol:


    We ended up with Rightstart for Math but I am thinking about Singapore for next year as math and science are dd's stronger points.


    Also, we have REAL Science odyssey for the science. I can't rave enough about that.


    Phonics are a mixed bag but we have switched to progressive phonics and she's loving it!


    We are still using HOD for the read aloud list and the history readings and activities. Dd does like the poems so we are making apoetry notebook of those poems.


    I added in FIAR for geography, language arts, and art.


    Of course we don't do everything each day! :tongue_smilie:

  4. :) Thanks ya'll! You guys are great and supportive!


    I used beyond because dd is reading and able to read the emergent readers that are scheduled in the beginning. I even talked to Carrie at the booth at our expo. She placed us based on dds skills. I was so excitied.


    I think we'll cover the three r's as per WTM and do some FIAR and see which trail that will lead us down.


    Most of all I am going to remind myself to :chillpill:;). Even though she loves doing her "school" she's still my baby girl! I'm going to remember to enjoy that.

  5. OK. So we have been using HOD Beyond for the past 4 weeks and I'm struggling so much. I don't look forward to school. Then DD dragged her feet on getting things done the other day, to the point I just packed it up and called it a day!


    My dh will have a fit if I spend anymore $$ on curriculum. I do have a couple of FIAR manuals. So do I use those? We "rowed" some stories over the summer and had fun. But, I am nervous they are not going to be enough?!


    Or do you think RS Math, RSO, Progressive Phonics, Handwriting, and some real books for history would be enough? I've been using poetry and bible excerpts as copywork. Would we be covering everything? We could use the reading list from FIAR for read alouds.


    I'm so :confused:


    Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

  6. Hits:


    R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Earth and Space: We love this one. Can't say enough about how much fun this is.


    RightStart Math B: Each lessons gets a bit more intense and DD loves it.


    Sew Teach Me. My dd is learning to sew..... she is totally happy.


    Progressive Phonics: This is new for us and we are loving it!


    A Reason for Handwriting. It works and she likes it.





    Hate to add to the list of HOD misses but I am disliking Beyond so much. I think the CLP history books are OK. But, feel that I could have just purchased those and read from them myself. The spelling and the poems are OK. But, when we try to get all of the boxes completed we are taking time that we would normally spend on science and other fun stuff. It just drags and dd is not having much fun. :sad:


    I miss MFW.

  7. We are loving RS. I can get through a lesson in the manual and dd is still asking for more. Most days we are done with math the quickest and I honestly believe it's b/c the program is so well laid out.


    Also, the card games are fantastic. DD usually plays those in the evening with dh. It was through those card games she has firmly learned all of her addition facts up to 10!


    Good luck.

  8. We do school work at dd's level; then for activities I put her in with the kids she would have been in ps with.


    She doing basically all 1st grade work or a bit higher. It's funny as I have chosen most of my curriculum with levels not grade designations! :lol:


    But, for her activities we have chosen to stick with her peer group which is the kindy level. It's where her friends are and I don't want to mess with that. But, it does trip people up when she insists she's really in first grade. Oh well they just write us off as "those homeschoolers" :lol:

  9. :grouphug:


    Didn't read through all of the posts. So here's my .02


    It's so hard to know with the little ones. I have a 5.5 year old and she's smart beyond her years (she can talk her way out of anything through sheer logic and reasoning. Future lawyer????). But, some days doing the school work is such a chore. She's a very creative person so I temper the phonics humdrum by bookending it with more creative subjects like art and music. This way she's happier coming into it and has something to look foward to. Then I save math for last. Why???? It's her absolute favorite subject. In her mind she can see so many ways to the solution it's breathtaking. But I know she loves it and we always end the day on a positive note.


    The best adivce I ever heard; don't test unless you think there's a problem or you must have the scores for program entrance. Our mom's instincts are the best. There are so many outlying factors in testing (ie when my child is uninterested she dawdles and would never make the time cuts right now). That advice was from my dds peditrician!


    Good luck.

  10. We actually made huge sacrifices to homeschool. Knowing from the time dd was born that we were going to take this route I never went back to work so we could adjust.


    Then we got caught in the whole get a bigger home for less payment mess. :tongue_smilie: Learned some valuable lessons there. We eventually sold that house and moved into a much cheaper house (albeit the same size as this was a builder foreclosure).


    We also have bartered for many "extras". DH builds websites on the side so he is doing the dance studios site where dd goes (= free classes for us). We coupon, etc.


    If we had made smarter choices earlier then we would be OK. But, we are fixing our mistakes and homeschooling all at the same time. :) It has also forced us to be creative in our thinking (teaching flute lessons in the evenings, teaching music one afternoon a week at church, the bartering, asking for gift cards for gifts so I can buy school books, asking grandparents for dds "extra classes" at a local homeschool group to be bday or christmas presents)

  11. I've got to start using it as "fun" internet time again...last year they wouldn't quit playing the pumpkin face game (even in December and January) so I stopped suggesting the site to them. Then again, I guess if I'm letting it be fun, I should just let it be fun, right? LOL





    That's us. Except dd loves the gingerbread man now.:tongue_smilie:

  12. We just started Beyond this week. Let me add my dd is 5.5 and even at this age I am still supplementing with REAL Science Odyssey and Right Start math B. I felt very strongly that the math and science were lacking.


    However, we are loving the history and the bible portion. I am also happy with the idea of reading from different genres of literature and exposing my child to that concept so early. To make the history more concrete I am reading several easy readers with dd about that time period. Plus she's into the American Girl doll thing and loves knowing this is how America was when Kaya, Felicity and Elizabeth were there. So she is absorbing this because she's invested. If she was not so interested then she would probably listen with one ear and just repeat the answers I ask for. One thing we did this week for the first week was as I was reading she was pretending to sail the ship that was being talked about. It was fun to see her act out the storm story and then later hear her shout out "land ho".


    But, once again I have a young first grader and am using Beyond. I met Carrie Austin at a homeschool expo and after talking to her she even said Beyond would be the better choice for us.

  13. Hey there!


    I had asked about a month ago for history recommendations and many of you suggested HOD and I fell in love with it this past weekend at the expo in Atlanta.


    Here's my quandary. We are scheduled to begin school tomorrow morning. Everything is set and dd is chomping at the bit. When I bought BLH at the expo they were out of teacher manuals. :eek:


    Well week one is on-line but I am missing the spelling list and the poem. Can someone please PM or email me these items???? I am forever grateful if you can. :D

  14. For kindy we took it slow. I started dd on K when she was 4 too. Basically I let her pace herself.


    By doing a little at a time it whetted her desire to learn and now she is begging to get back to school. (I would start back into some sort of routine but I am behind on getting everything together :lol:)


    Good luck and remember K is supposed to be fun!

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