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Posts posted by mom2koh

  1. I find a lot of educational songs on You Tube! DD learned the Preamble from the Schoolhouse Rock song on there. She also learned the 50 states from then Nifty Fifty UNited States Song posted on You Tube.


    Just review the videos before letting your DC watch it !;)


    Another good one on there is a song about the quadratic equation. My ds almost has that one down. I figure if he can know it now, it may make it easier to understand it later! :D

  2. I'm so jealous! :D I LOVE Disney.


    The options look great. I will be honest in the fact we did not like Cosmic Rays. Too crowded, food was bland at best and not warm all the way through.


    Sunshine Seasons in Epcot is AWESOME. The have the soymilk my kiddos love and they also carry the rice milk candy bars we adore. Disney has come a long way in trying to keep healthy eating a priority for it's guests.


    Also, if you have questions about the food that's being served: ask! The chefs, cashiers, and managers of the resturaunts are so willing to help and even try to accomadate special requests. My daughter and I are gluten intolerant, DS has many food issues and we have never had an ounce of trouble at Disney.


    Have fun.:001_smile:

  3. Hey!

    I had a very precocious three year old DD at one point and now I have a precocious three year old DS. The best advice I heard is that is they want to learn then let them. There will come a point where they will stomp their little feet and say "No More!"

    We used a lot of leap frog items: fridge phonics, word whammer, letter factory, word factory and number factory dvds. Another favorite was lots of reading and nursery rhymes. We use manipulatives like buttons (very colorful ones) to count and then I do simple addition and subtraction concepts.

    This year we got DS the Rod and Staff workbooks (A, B, C, D, E, and F). He wants to sit at the desk and “do school†like his sister so much that I am going to let him do a few workbook pages now and then so he can feel included too.

    We also LOVE the BFIAR books. We just use the book list for them and once in a while head over to homeschool share to use their resources to make a lapbook.

    Good luck!

  4. :grouphug: To all. No matter how we had our babies, we are all rockin' mamas.


    I had a vag. with DD and we almost lost her in delivery. She was 5 weeks early and coming sunny-side up. Basically her little body gave out in the birthing canal. She had to be revived. The pounding to remove the fluid and tough time in the birthing canal led DD to be bruised from head to toe. This bruising led to severe jaundice. During this delivery I broke my tailbone and sat on a donut for several weeks. I also had over 30 stitches. Not pretty.


    With DS I opted for a c-section. I had a hard enough time getting DD out I feared I would not get a term baby out. DS was also measuring 2 pounds heavier than DD. My c-section went swimmingly once the spinal was in. It took 4 tries (yes four pokes into my spine with a needle). This was no one's fault as my spine was compressed due to a previous accident. I was actually up and walking four hours after the surgery was over. I went home in 48 hours. I spent the same amount of time in the hospital with DD due to my broken tail bone and residual problems she had from delivery. When home, I took nothing more than ibuprofen for pain. Also, I used lots of ice packs and I think this helped to keep swelling to a minimum.


    I did not feel less of a woman or a mother because I opted for a section. I feel like I assesed the situation and did what was best for my baby. :D

  5. Ms. Bauer does emphasize having the child read fluently and know basic math facts thoroughly, so your daughter seems to be on track. Could you let me know why you chose FLL and if you considered other programs?


    I chose FLL after reading on the regular curriculum boards you could accelerate it. Also, cost was a huge factor and FLL not only got great reviews but was budget friendly. ;)


    (Ok, I didn't completely let grammar go--I bought the Schoolhouse Rock DVD and gave the kids a thorough and complete afternoon of watching TV.:D)


    :lol: I'll have to look into that one.


    FLL, on the other hand, was far to slow for us to use all year. We switched to MCT Island Level, but I'm stretching it out to last for a couple years. Even just reading the Grammar Island book seems like plenty at this point. Just keep it in mind, though, for later on... it seems like 3rd grade is when a bunch of programs really pick up the speed in that arena.


    Thanks! I was worried about FLL being slow or "boring" to her. I had looked at MCT and the cost was a big factor in deciding against it. But, if I could strech it out... Hmm... Just what dh would want, me looking at more curriculum. :lol:

  6. Ok. I have to admit I have let grammar, spelling and such slide. DD who's 6 is really into math and science (me being a science person ran with this :D).


    We've incorporated phonics, daily reading (she's an avid reader), copywork (very little) and some spelling into our school work. So language arts are totally not in the dark. But, we've never covered grammar.


    Today she was writing a little essay (3 sentences) about the Earth. Well she split a word correctly when it needed to be contiued onto the next line! I was floored. When I asked her how she knew about that she said she saw it in books.


    My question is: I have purchasd FLL and WWE (level 1 for both) for next year. Is that a good place to start??? Or will she be bored with it?


    Thanks so much you guys. I'm horrible with grammar and I truly want my children to have a better foundation.

  7. I order Gluten Free Pantry Sandwich bread mix from Amazon. I have it on auto-ship so the price is better and there's not shipping cost. DH enjoys having bread!


    I know I need to experiment for his sake, but it's been really convenient to have the mix and throw it in the breadmaker. (DH is the only one in the family who needs to eat GF.)





    I love the GFP Sandwich bread mix. It's the ONE in our house. Everyone gobbles it as soon as it comes from the machine.


    Pamela's Pancake and Baking Mix is another hit here. We just made killer banana/carrot bread today (used 1/2 cup banana and 1/2 cup shredded carrots). I love the way the almonds in this mix add some oomph to it.


    I do not like Pamela's cake mixes. I also don't like the Namaste Blondie mix. We actually gagged on this one. :tongue_smilie:


    We do use homemade mixes too. I mix a huge bowl of the baking mix I like to use and store it in the fridge. It usually lasts a month when I do this.

  8. We have little kiddos but the schedules are starting to fill!


    Mondays: School in the am, relax in the pm

    Tuesdays: Enrichment classes for dd in am, gymnastics for ds in am, park play for lunch time, irish dance for dd in pm

    Wednesdays: school, church activities in pm

    Thursdays: school in am, then I teach an enrichment class at church in the afternoons both kiddos come along, gymnastics for dd in early pm

    Friday: school, playdate, scouts every other fri for dd

    Saturdays: ballet for dd, family time

    Sundays: church all morning (I teach SS so I get there early then family meets me for the 11 service), sun. night programs for the kiddos in the evening.


    It'll get a bit crazier in the fall when we add piano and t-ball! :) I am a person who loves to go and so are my kiddos. The first question I get from both kids each morning is "Where are we going today?" If the answer is no- where they hate it. :D

  9. DS3 is still learning and is a bit of a late bloomer. We do have a speech therapy referral if we so choose. He was a very early walker though (9 months). He's also very mechanical (can take anything apart and put it back together correctly. Puzzles are his obsession right now!).


    DD6 talked at 20 months. She would babble mama and dada at right around a year. Then at 20 months she woke up one morning and greeted us with full sentences and conversation!


    To each their own. ;)

  10. My dd had the cord wrapped around her neck 2 times. She had a hard delivery that did not help the situation. Her first apgar was a 2, but the second reading was a 9! She's doing well today, smart as a whip and is a light in our lives.


    My friend on the other hand lost her baby in utero due to the cord being wrapped around his neck. It was a very sad time.

  11. :grouphug:


    We just signed dd 6 and ds 3 up for gymnastics this week. We pay 120 per month for the two classes. I like the division into monthly payments this way we can save up during the month for the payment. It does mean sacrificing but it's worth it.


    My kids love their classes and I have seen DD gain so much confidence from extra-curricular activities. I look forward to seeing DS gain that same confidence. ;)

  12. As a science person and a Christian I try, try, try to just be honest in my answers to questions like these.


    The gravity thing has come up at our house. My answer to it was to remind her that when God created the universe it was for Him and to glorify Him. He knew exactly what he was doing. When he designed the planets he designed gravity too. THe gravity we have on Earth is perfect for us. This same gravitational force also works to keep the planets in their respective orbits and not hurtling toward the Sun. Newton's Third law explains this one. You could probably do some fun experiments even with the 5-6 year olds about equal and oppisite reactions!


    I think my most favorite thing was when dd at 2.5 asked why thunder happened as she was so scared. I explained that the lightining was heating the air molecules so fast it created a loud boom. It cured her fear! When she hears a loud pop of thunder she started saying "Wow! That must of been a hot one!":lol:

  13. I pay out of pocket for the brand name synthroid and at 200 mcgs it's 30.75 a month. I don't find that overwhelming. From experience I can tell you that when I switched from generic to brand my dosage did drop and I began to feel better. I have met some others with the same experiences. It's all personal preference but this was suggested by a friend with the same issues and when I switched I saw some relief.


    I would love to have the armour but my doc will not prescribe it.


    Another thing to look at is in some cases people also need a T3 supplement. So do press for a full panel screening and a referal to the endo.



  14. Request a full panel. I know that I am asymptomatic at hyperlevels. My tsh actually needs to be around .2! But, I had a wonderful endo who realized that. Now I have horrible insurance. When my new pcp said I didn't need an endo. But, I demanded. The endo in the insurance said I didn't need to be in her care until she got back my thyroid panel and my glucose challenge. Don't forget that those of us with hypo-thyroidism also have an extremely high chance of getting diabetes. Once one thing in the auto-immune system goes everything else is at a much higher risk. Maybe something else is going on to make your numbers rise.


    I have also adjusted my diet and that seems to be helping (actually took out gluten as celiac is an auto-immune disorder). Soy is a big problem but I was told by my good doc that small amounts are OK. Just don't consume it within 4 hours of taking synthroid. Also, avoid any vitamins with iron in them within 4 hours of taking synthroid. If you are using the generic form then ask for the name brand. I go symptomatic on the generic. Another culprit is flouride in toothpaste so don't brush your teeth around the time you take your medicine.


    Good luck and sorry about spelling errors I have a sick kid in my lap so I am typing one-handed. ;)

  15. DD who is 6 is still in a 5 point harness. I will not allow her into a booster until she hits 40 pounds (she's 32 pounds right now).


    Her brother, DS 3, will probably hit that first but I still want him in a 5 point as long as possible (until he's 6 if he can still fit properly).


    To me, my kids are precious gifts to cherish and protect at all costs. I am a certified, card-carrying member of crazy town!:lol:

  16. DD(6) Is an amazing little girl. She wants to be a palentologist and spends as much time soaking up dino and archaeology info as possible. She is wonderful in math and a great debater! But, she also is a beautiful ballerina. She has been dancing with girls abover her age for 2 years now and could go far is she wanted to.


    DS(2.5) Is just as smart as his sister. He can take his toys apart and see how it works then put them back together. He also shocked us the other day when he added some numbers together! It was so cute b/c he was so matter of fact! He is very coordinated and was hitting a ball off of a tee with distance when his was just turning 2 (Dad's pride and joy right there!).


    I love my kids so much!:grouphug:

  17. B/F:


    Pancakes (made from a brown rice flour mix. a life saver in this house)

    Banana bread with dfresh fruit (from mix)

    eggs with cheese and bacon





    Noodles with butter (can use a dairy free alternatve for the butter)

    PB and J on Enr-G tapocia bread

    Fresh fruit with each of these

    Fresh veggies with each as well (love green beans and corn)




    Tinkayada pasta with marinara (Tinkayada is best pasta ever!)

    Meatloaf (can use Enr-g toast for bread crumbs)

    BBQ Chix

    Sloppy Joes (with out buns for those of us who are GF)

    Chix Nuggets (made with worchestire, lemon juice and water for soaking the chix, then dip in crushed potato chips. cook in a fry pan with magarine alternative until cooked through and crispy).


    Salads, sweet potatoes (mashed with vanilla soy milk, brown sugar and cinnamon), green beans, fruit, rice, etc as sides


    desserts will include pb cookies we are trying to eliminate sweets.

  18. For a bit I grew up with my parents scrimping. Then my mom went to work and my dad got a new position and money was never really an issue after that.


    But, I was so sad that I didn't have my mom around that much anymore. The best times I remember from growing up were the tougher times. It was always an adventure.


    Right now we are soooooo very tight on money but we have somehow made it work. It does help that my kids want for little as they are the only grandkids on both sides and live within 1 hour of both grandparents. ;)


    But, we manage and I cling to the fact they have their mom and dad and a whole lotta love!


    On a funny note: in the store the other day DS 2.5 asked for an item and DD 5.5 pointed out to him it was not on sale and we only buy on sale or clearance!:lol:

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