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Posts posted by mom2koh

  1. :grouphug:


    It's scary when they run that high. Our doc said if the fever responds to the motrin or tylenol then it's OK for a few days. Both of my kiddos have randomly run high fevers with unknown viruses. Are you alternating tylenol and motrin?


    Hope you all have a peaceful evening.

  2. I took dd to her doc today (Kaiser Facility, think Walmart of doctors). Turns out she has a raging ear infection in both ears. So we were sent over to the pharmacy to get her medicine. Everything is in house. Also, all records are computerized. So what the doc. enters, the pharmacy will see when they pull it up after I check in at the counter.


    Here's my dilemma. The gave dd a medicine that she is allergic to!!!! How could this happen? We had no less than 4 people confirm that she is allergic to penicillin products! :confused: THis was a new med for her and they weren't even going to give me the drug interaction sheet until I asked for it!


    Well 2 hours after the first dose dd's face was covered in hives. I read the interaction sheet and plain as day it said this medication should not be taken by people allergic to penicillin products. The LPN, RN, DR and pharmacist all confirmed her allergy! SO HOW DID WE GET THIS???


    Dr. called in new med and told me to give dd benadryl every 6 hours for the next 2 days to prevent a more severe reaction. :001_huh:


    What can I do? I know there is basically no recourse. But, I would love to know if there is someplace where I can report these "mistakes" to.


    Thanks for letting me :rant:

  3. DH told me today that there are several offers on the table at his current company. Some of these offers would benefit the owner greatly but leave others in the dust (my DH). The other offers would allow dh to continue with a better position and salary.


    Should dh begin looking for a new job now? Or should he wait and see what will transpire?


    On a side note we have next to nothing in savings due to medical bills earlier this year.


    Oh dear Hive please help me!!!! :bigear:

  4. Hey! I feel your pain. ;)


    We found that the new Hotwheel color change cars are awesome. With warm water they turn one color, with cold water another. So I have been filling a squirt bottle, a bowl and a glass with water at different temps and letting him have at it. Just make sure you have a plastic sheet under the water containers!


    Also we have a train table in the school room to keep him occupied. Just in the past week he will sit and do the shape builder game or the piano on my iphone.


    I'm :bigear: to any new ideas!

  5. Oh! I am so sorry. The ticks are sooooo bad this year here too. DD6 had a tick on her back a few weeks ago. We were told that if she experienced flu like symptoms or had a rash at the bite site in the next 2-4 weeks then bring her in.


    I would call your peditrician and ask what their specific protocol is. Try to stay off of google as much as possible. ;)

  6. These are too cute!


    I took dd6 to the local theatre to sign her up for drama camp.


    She's never formally done drama (but she does quite a bit at home. ;) ;)). So, the theatre director took my dd on a tour of the building and then ended with the stage area. The director opened the doors with a big flourish and told dd this is the stage she would be doing her final performance on.


    DD6 calmly steps onto the stage and walks around a bit. Then proceeds to turn and tell the director "Your stage is so small". That she's used to a much bigger stage for her dance recitals.


    I was :leaving:

  7. I live in GA and it gets HOT here. Even tomorrow is supposed to be over 90 for the high. :tongue_smilie:


    We have decided to school in June and take 2 weeks off in July (for camps. Indoor variety). My plan is to spend the mornings at the pool and after lunch come home and do "summer school". We will keep a lighter schedule in the summer so it remains fun to do.


    Another big factor for us is DH's busy time at work is the summer. That means for us our usual vacation time is Sept or Dec.

  8. WOW! My ds has the same reaction to apples, pears, strawberries, cinnamon, nutmeg, some soaps, shampoos and sunscreens.


    He began with the apples then things are slowly popping up for him. It'll be Ok for a bit then a reaction will occur to something new. My best guess has been salicylates.


    Good luck and lots of benadryl. The doc did give us a script for an epi-pen.

  9. All of the reading list requests has me wondering what are the must read books for a 2nd grader?


    Any help would be appreciated. DD will begin 2nd grade work this summer and has developed a love of reading. Please let me know what we should not miss out on this year!



  10. I really like the suggestions of responding with age and homeschooled. If the person presses the issue, DS can hold his own :D as he so 'politely' did today in Lowe's. After being asked why he wasn't in school by the garden lady, I responded that we homeschool. DS promptly pointed to some of the hanging plants and proceeded to give a narrative on Nebuchadnezzar and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon:svengo:.




    We had this today in Barnes and Noble. Bless the clerk's heart. She asked dd how old she was (dd is really tiny for her age). Then she proceeded to ask what grade dd was in. DDs response: "In what subject??" :D

  11. 1. What's your name? Amy


    2. How many kids do you have (include ages if you wish) 2 kids (ds 3 and dd 6).


    3. What curriculum/curricula do you use? Little of this and that. :D See my siggy for what we are starting next month.


    4. Something interesting about yourself. I play flute and teach flute lessons. However, my B.S. was in physical geography and my post bacc. was atmospheric sciences.


    5. What's your favorite season? Fall.

  12. My dd is accelerated as well. But, we held off on grammar instruction until she was 6. The reason? She was devouring books left and right (still is). If your child is reading well written books she'll pick up on the grammar in those. You'd be surprised. ;) My dd already recognizes many grammar rules that I didn't have to teach.


    We are also doing WWE this year along with FLL.


    Good luck and kudos to your child's accomplishments.

  13. Thanks guys! I keep forgetting these GA summers are hot and miserable. So... having something to do inside would be great!


    After reading everything, we will start the reading curriculum tomorrow and SOTW next week! I will add more in as I am ready. I am almost as giddy as the kids. :lol:

  14. I ordered curriculum when we got our tax refund. So I have everything in hand and have been working on my planning notebook. This is my first year being so far ahead.


    Now, my kiddos are chomping at the bit to get going. My 3 yo ds is carrying his "books" (little workbooks so he can be included) around everywhere and begging to do them. Then today I couldn't find my copy of SOTW to work on lesson plans. Well, dd was sitting down reading it!


    Should I just give up and go ahead and start them on their new books? I am not totally organized but am almost there. Do any of you start in the summer?


    I hope I am not turning my kiddos into curriculum junkies too! :lol:

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