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Posts posted by mom2koh

  1. I am now a SAHM who has a B.S. and has done post baccalaureate work. I did work in my fields before becoming a mom. The funniest thing was I always wanted to be the one to go to work and have my husband stay home. But, once the first baby came my entire world shifted. ;) I would never take back my experiences in college or in the work force. They have helped shape me as a mom and made me more confident in who I am today.


    My 6 year old DD tells me she want to be a palentologist and I encourage that to the fullest. I firmly believe you can go to college, do the work you got your degree in and then be a SAHM. I tell dd that she can have it all if she wants. I also remind her of that everytime she tells me she doesn't want to go to college. I remind her that life is full of experiences and she may choose to do college after her children are grown.


    I don't believe we have to choose if we don't need to. As women, now, we can be educated, have the professional work experience and then be a mom. Or we can be a mom and go to college when our children are grown and then be a professional.


    The big thing is to remember not limit the possibilities!:D

  2. Thanks!! We are so scared. :crying: The doc is pretty set on it being seizure activity so I guess we'll find out then.


    I will be sure to pack plenty of toys. Also, we enlisted both grandmas last night to bring new (small, inexpensive) things for him when they come to visit.


    I know the hospital has room service for parents as well so we will use that. But I had forgotten about the comfy items for me. Thanks beebalm!


    Jan in sc thanks for the warning about my pjs. DS usually is in our bed by night's end here, so I will probably sleep with him there. ;)

  3. Some background: DS who's 2.5 has had some issues with random falling (even from stationary positions), right hand tremors, and hypetonicity (high muscle definition) and slurred speech. These things come and go and are not persistent. His first eeg was normal. His mri showed a spot in the left side in the periventricular space. However, the doc called the mri normal. (?)


    We are now doing a video eeg. The doc has requested 5 days. Are we going to be expected to stay in a bed for the whole 5 days? Will my son be expected to be calm and still? Is it painful when they take the electrodes off???


    Also, is the doc looking only for epiplepsy? Or something else as well?


    Can anyone share knowledge or experiences?




  4. Some background: DS who's 2.5 has had some issues with random falling (even from stationary positions), right hand tremors, and hypetonicity (high muscle definition) and slurred speech. These things come and go and are not persistent. His first eeg was normal. His mri showed a spot in the left side in the periventricular space. However, the doc called the mri normal. (?)


    We are now doing a video eeg. The doc has requested 5 days. Are we going to be expected to stay in a bed for the whole 5 days? Will my son be expected to be calm and still? Is it painful when they take the electrodes off???


    Also, is the doc looking only for epiplepsy? Or something else as well?


    Can anyone share knowledge or experiences?



  5. Ummm! Wow!


    I was always allowed by my parents to read whatever I wanted within reason. (WhenI asked my dad for his Stephen King book when I was 8 that was a big NO! :lol:) But, I can remember the school teacher or librarian telling me that it wasn't the right grade level and I would have to choose something different. :tongue_smilie:


    But, b/c I was unlimited in my choices I am still an avid reader today. And still to this day I will read anything I can get my hands on.


    :grouphug: Sorry about your experience.

  6. Our ped. noticed she was way ahead of her milestone markers at an early age. Then when DD told ped everything in her exam room was made up of microscopic molecules (and defined microscopic for her) at age 3 the ped asked her some questions (addition, subtraction, word definitions, watched her build and id an octogon on her geoboard, read some words etc.). She told me with one parent having tested as gifted is was more likely than not that dd was gifted as well. She also told me that testing at a young age sometimes is not a good indicator. So we just went by the gifted characteristics rather than formal battery testing.

  7. My dd who's almost 6 has been doing work beyond her grade (using mostly 1st grade stuff here with some higher concepts thrown in) and was noted by her ped. to be gifted (though no formal testing was done).


    I have the opportunity to let her take the ITBS in the spring. Should she take the K level (which is what she would be in public school) or the 1st which is what level she is working at?



  8. Does anyone know of a good unit study/lapbook on dinos or palentology?


    My 5 yo dd wants to be a palentologist. She already knows several dino names and factoids. But, she wants more. :D (proud science momma here).


    I would love a study that focuses on dinos and the different periods the dinos were native to (cretaceous vs. jurrasic vs. triassic).


    Thanks ya'll!!

  9. We did MFW K and loved it. I cannot say enough about how dd enjoyed the curriculum. I loved it because it was all planned out.


    At the beginning of the year I took the worksheets for each week and put them in a hanging file folder in a box. I had 26 file folders hanging in the box. One folder for each of the units.


    Every month I would fill the folders with any art supplies I needed. Most of the reccommended books we already had here and I could always find an appropriate substitution if we had to. The book would go into the folder too if it could fit!


    This way I would pull out the folder as we were ready for the unit and everything was already ready.


    The only supplementing I did was for math as dd is ahead in that area.


    We miss MFW this year and will be returning next.

  10. My son will be 3 in spring also. He loves legos and playdoh. I like giving him the playdoh b/c he's had some motor skill issues and that really works the hand muscles.


    The legos are just fantastic to keep him occupied. He can build with them, sort them by color or shape (square vs, rectangle vs. circle), he also uses them to count with! So many different ideas.


    Good luck. Once you find what your kiddo really likes and will be occupied with it is so much easier.


  11. I live in Cherokee county.


    We do get four seasons here. Right now we are having a beautiful fall. Yea!! Cherokee County is where the mountains become visible. :001_smile:


    As for Docs. We had a ped. we loved (recently changed insurances and can't see her anymore). But PAMPA in Woodstock is fantastic for peditricians. Also, in emergencies Children's Hospital is not too far and we have made the drive to their ER on occasion in about 20 minutes.


    As for Allergies; the Atlanta Allergy and Asthma Clinic has offices in Cherokee county in Woodstock and Canton. The docs there are also fantastic (it's where my kiddos go). They really seem to care and listen to the moms.


    There is a large homeschooling community here. We attend classes for homeschool kids through a ministry at a church in Woodstock. My dd is also part of a American Heritage Girl troop that is 75% homeschoolers. There are sports, bands, cheerleading and other things.


    It can get trafficky but not too bad. Towne Lake has some traffic. We just avoid it when possible.


    There is plenty of shopping and things to do in Cherokee County.


    DH has a 2nd phone interview with a company in TX next week and I can say if we have to leave I would be so sad. I have made so many wonderful friends here!

  12. :grouphug:


    Thank you!


    Since we are in GA now I don't think the heat will matter. I was looking at the climate data last night and it seems to be the same as where I am at now. The only thing is the winters are a bit warmer than GA.


    Thanks once again. After reading your posts I went searching and was so happy to see all of the options. I thought we had lots to do here for homeschoolers .... but WOW!!! :D


    The job would be located in Irving. Fingers crossed and we are hoping it works out.


    Thanks for the heads up about the Exide thing

  13. :grouphug:


    Just be respectful of your child's future spouse.


    My MIL problems stem from her inserting herself into our lives when she's not welcome and trying to be in charge. MIL tries all the time to discipline out children, has gone so far as to twist situations to FIL that he demanded my dh to file for divorce. Thankfully dh knows their antics and won't acknowledge them. The funniest thing about dh and myself is when we sought counseling we went to the counsler and told her we were OK as a couple but needed help dealing with dh's mom.


    I tend to think a lot of people with MIL problems expereince what their spouses grew up with. For me it was dh was used to his mom being controlling and manipulative but he had learned to tune it out. I was new and not used to this so I rebelled and still do! :lol:


    I promised ds (2yo) the day he was born I would love and accept whomever he married! I repeat that promise to him every birthday (only 2 so far but I will continue to do it!). :001_smile:

  14. Yes.


    We were one of those (young and stupid at the time) who took a sub-prime. Well market tanked and we were stuck in a house we could not afford. Being a wee bit older and a whole lot wiser we wanted out and had been trying to sell for over a year (that's the trick: the house had to have been on the market for at least 6 months for the bank to take a short sale).


    We had two loans (we did an 80/20. once again young and not knowing any better) but, found an investor through contact at our church who was willing to take the short sale on the one loan and take the other loan in a deed of trust. So we got out of the house. The investor is now using our old house as a lease to help christian families rebuild thier credit after getting into trouble!


    Also, watch out for the 1099 at tax time. The bank sent us a 1099 for the forgiven amount of the loan. :001_huh: That would have been added onto our income if my tax person had not found a loophole we qualified fro (many people do not qualify for this so you may end up paying 30% of the amount forgiven in taxes!). Look into all aspects and see if you can find a professional to help you.

  15. We live in one and love it. You just have to be careful about the neighborhood and read all covenants before singing the dotted line. For example parking has been a major issue in our neighborhood. :glare:


    Another thing to look at is how established your HOA is. Unfourtantley our HOA let the water bill go past due and we are now in the process of clearing that up. But, you can run into that with any managed community.


    As for the end unit we have one and it's nice. But, I don't think it's necessary. The one we live in is so insulated we have never heard the people next door even when he had 20 people over for a party!


    Overall, it's been wonderful not having any yard work or outside maintenance to worry about! :D

  16. We have BLHFHG and we are now only using it sparingly. I just felt like we were slogging through and doing things to check off the boxes. My dd loves the poems and history readings so we will continue those. But, we are using a different math, science and LA/phonics program.


    Last year we used MFW K and loved it. I thought this year would be good for us to use a mix and I was so wrong. We will be returning to MFW next year (maybe even this year if I can find a cheap copy of their 1st grade curriculum).


    I think it's all personal preference though. What works for one or many of us may not be right for your family.


    :grouphug: Good luck.

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