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Posts posted by mom2koh

  1. I've been looking at OM for high school levels as well. I like that they also assign reading from other sources. Some of the high school English courses have a limited number of novels (which I can assign more if needed), but they also assign short stories, poems, interviews, research articles, historical essays, etc. 


    Ah. It's a lot of work choosing curriculum as the kids approach high school.  :huh:

    • Like 3
  2. Both my 8 year old and my 5 year old BEG to do LOF everyday!!! It was the best money we spent this year hands down. I'm finding we are migrating towards LOF as our main math program. It has my kids thinking mathematically and they are understanding the concepts.


    Good luck!

  3. I know it's not an endorsement for the the full VP curriculum but we LOVE their literature selections. I use their lit guides and selections for our literature. Also, I use their history lit. selections as our go alongs for SOTW. Usually I can find a good deal of these through our library. I can't afford their full curriculum so use as much as I can. I've been very happy with it. If I could afford the whole curriculum I would use it in a heartbeat. ;)

  4. We will be ending next week for the 2011-2012 year. My plan is to take the rest of May and all of June off. We will start the new year on July 9th. It gets way too hot here in July and August to spend too much time outside. We try to spend more time outside in the early summer and fall.

  5. I start each school year saying we will do more with crafts and such. I set up the arts and crafts corner. We have tons of glitter, pipe cleaners and even googly eyes! But, the crafts never seem to happen! I'm the mom who's too busy taking her kids to activities after the school work is done. My kids would rather be at an activity than cutting paper for minutes on end. :lol:


    Great article! Loved reading it.

  6. WE just decided to go to a year round schedule. We will finish our current curriculum in May. June will be off as I get everything ready then we will push forward with a 6 week on 1 week off. We will break for longer around Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I am also planning on 2 week breaks in the fall and spring. This also gives me flexibility to take days here and there for fun things (like get togethers with friends or a day with the granparents!).


    In the past more than a couple of weeks has totally thrown my kids off. I think more structure will help. Also, summers here can be brutal, so we are mostly indoors as it is. Why not school? :D

  7. We didn't finish a lot this year. :(


    We started MFW ECC then realized it could be more fun if we focused on the countries we wanted to learn about. Sooooo...... the tm was put away. We also started MFW K. Well.... ds could read simple words by Christmas and was way ahead fo the math. Once again? TM was put away.


    We did finish Horizon's math 3 and K. DD also finished Abeka language arts 3. We did several VP lit guides. Science was done through a homeschool co-op so that was finished too.


    Our bible reading remained consistent and we never really count that as schooling any ways. It's more of a daily life thing.


    All in all I'm OK with how this year turned out. :D

  8. It's funny because we struggled with this.


    I love CM and sooooo want to be able to say we are CMers here. I have several friends who use AO to T and love it. However, we are not the type to be completely CM. My kids are too active with activities for daily nature walks and such.


    We are not school at home type of people either. We try to be int he school room at our desks each morning. However in 15 minutes we are sprawled out on the floor following one rabbit trail or another.


    Unschooling..... Um my hubby would have a cow if I told him we were doing this. :lol:


    Classical holds a big draw to us. However, we just can't seem to pull it together to adhere to the scheduling in WTM. The majority of my curriculum is pulled from WTM. We just go with the flow here.


    This year we tried a box curriculum. Didn't work. Next year we are going back to a little of this and a little of that type of thing. To tell the truth? I couldn't be happier about my choice to just use what works for each of my munchkins.


    For people who are new to homeschooling? I tell them talk to as many people as they can. Visit a co-op. Yes they can read the books. I even loan out my well worn copy of WTM (LOVE the book lists in there). See what will work for them. But, I remind them they are choosing this path because they are thinking of their child! Then I tell them to continue to think of their child. Don't get caught up in one philosophy over another. Don't feel the need to rush and buy the latest program, or buy into the newest philosophy. It may not work for their child. Then the whole reason for them homeschooling (focusing on their child) is lost.

  9. She did the placement test and passed the test for the 4th and 5th grade. I went with 4th because she is young and there were concepts she has not covered yet towards the end of 4th. She is also coming from a spiral program which is what she needs.


    I think we will try it over the summer and maybe supplement with another program like LOF. My main concern is I need to remove myself from the bulk of the math instruction for our sanity.

  10. OK. DD and I clash many times each day over math. It's gotten so bad I had considered putting her in school.


    So, I began looking at Teaching Textbooks. I thought this would be brilliant. She could watch the lessons and then I could provide support. Problem solved right? Ummm..... is TT supposed to be this easy? We got it in the mail today and she was :D. However, I was :confused: She has been working Horizons 3rd. I ordered TT 4th. It seems to be the same material. (DD is a new 8 and supposed to be in 2nd at ps). Should I move her into TT 5th? Is this a good program to use? Argh!


    Thanks for any help!



  11. For next year's curriculum we are spending about $1100. SHHHH! Don't tell dh:D


    Of course, I will be adding more as the year progresses but this is for a 1st and a 4th grader. I chucked the program I used for my dd's 1st grade year because I could not bear to teach it again! :tongue_smilie: So I had to get all new stuff for ds who will be in 1st next year. DD's 4th grade was a tad bit pricey (we need a $$$ emoticon) this year because I broke down and got IEW and we are starting TT so the math price went up.


    Another thing? This price does not include the $2,000+ we spend on our homeschool enrichment program we do once a week. Or the $200+ I spend to keep our art bins stocked.


    We do spend a bit. However, it's worth it to me and it's still cheaper than private school!


    ETA: Ummm...... I also didn't count all of the extra curriculars we do. Since we homeschool the kids don't have homework to keep them busy in the evenings so they can participate in more fun things! :-)

  12. It's that time of year. :D Curriculum shopping for next year.


    I ran across Great Science Adventures and was wondering about it. Have any of you used it? Please give me the good, the bad, and the ugly.


    Some background: My background is science so I want a sound program. Also, we are very hands on with our learning. The "projects" are kind of what drew me to the program. But, I don't want it all to be just cutting and pasting. I want learning to happen! Labs and such. My kids will be in 1st and 4th next year.



  13. I have a nook color. I love it! You can download music, watch shows, read the books, etc. It's a cheaper alternative than the fire or nook tablet. B&N came out with a software upgrade to make the color do the same things as the tablets. :D


    Plus with the nook you have access to B&N and there are always 1000s of free books! I have only paid for 4 of my 125 books on there. My kids LOVE the interactive book apps. Also, there are tons of educational apps on the nook.


    I let me 4 year old play with the nook (he has a learn to read app on there) and it's held up pretty well.


    Good luck.

  14. We are always :auto:


    Tuesdays we have a homeschool group we are a part of. DC take classes from 9-3 (there's a lunch break). I also teach at the group. When that group ends we go straight to gymnastics for ds. Wednesdays both kids take drama classes. Then ds usually heads to Wednesday night church while dd stays at the theater for rehearsals for whatever play she's in. Thursdays dd does voice lessons, and dance. Fridays it's another drama workshop and rehearsal for dd. Some Sundays we have rehearsals for dd. DS will start karate on Monday nights next month.


    That being said. We have all morning to get school work done (except Tuesdays. But, the kids are in classes all day that day). Also, my kids are the type that they thrive on their activities. They love having a full schedule and would have a fit if we took anything away. :001_smile:


    You have to go with what works for you and your family. What works for one family may not work for another.


    Good luck!!!!

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