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Lux Et Veritas Academy

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Everything posted by Lux Et Veritas Academy

  1. I wish I had it but can't afford it! I don't think that you need it. If you google, some teachers have schedules and teaching ideas for PH. I may go that route for next year.
  2. So my daughter, going into 8th wants to homeschool through highschool. What do you do about a diploma. She is considered dual enrolled with the school, meaning she could take a course there, but doesn't want to. Do homeschool kids just say they are graduated? Do you need an actual diploma? Do you have to take a GED exam?:)
  3. I ran across someone saying that their homeschooler takes the exam this year- So i just googled it! But I am still wondering what the long term benefit of this would be!
  4. Who has taken this and why would some need it? I am new to this concept and have never heard of this!
  5. I just got my catalog, I wanted to start my younger children on their program 2nd grade and K- But it seems that they are already behind- do they work a year ahead? Or are we just not that advanced?:confused:
  6. My daughter plays and we have a Lyon and Healy Semi Grand- We love the harp and it is the perfect instrument from day1- ;)
  7. Any thoughts on Spelling Wisdom? Do you love it,hate it?
  8. I am thinking of using these as the basis for our lit discussion after my dd reads each book in 8th grade (Next year). Did you use them? Was it enough?;)
  9. Great story! I have a harpist too- She is begging to take piano on the side!:) We love harpist- way to go!
  10. My kids were average in public school before I pulled them out. They are doing so much better now as individuals and as people being home. The only area that I think they would be behind in is writing, but that would be their weak area in PS as well. That is where they struggled before. I think they would be even or ahead in some areas and about equal in math.;)
  11. I am confused just ordering? Obviously, I don't need math or science, but is this history and writing, or lit and grammar....aughhhhh! The website has a lot of info- Someone just please help simplify this for me!:confused:
  12. If I were to start over so to speak- I would use Tapestry of Grace!
  13. Congratulations to Mom and Daughter- I hope my daughter wants to apply there since we are New Englanders and it is so close to us! I am thrilled and the $ package is fabulous!;)
  14. This weekend has been complete curriculum mayhem. All of a sudden, (and let’s just say I have been restraining all year long), went into a curriculum attack, a fit. You homeschoolers reading this know exactly what I am talking about. Picture this, my school is out in 4 weeks, (due to the fact that my kids will be traveling and attending a couple of camps for church and sports) it is reality check time and I am the only one to blame if things didn’t get done. All of a sudden, I was just panic stricken about the school year- what I had finished, what we didn’t finish, which courses were strong, which were weak- should I hire a writing tutor, should we go the AP route for high school? How do you classically study, but fit in all of the required classes and exams. It has been mental mayhem, but I think I have decided- but don’t hold me too it, because I think I could wake up tomorrow and start all over. At some point, you just have to decide and go with it. But every home-schooling parent probably feels like I do- questioning whether or not they have made the right decision, feelings of self-doubt of whether or not you have “doomed your child’s future” lingers on one of your shoulders, “will they pass the exam’s” lingers on the other shoulder, the fact that “none of it should matter and we should enjoy our children”, but the reality check is out there, the accountability buck stops here. I have been going back and forth on whether breadth vs. depth is better. I say depth! My husband says breadth! We have been battling it out all weekend. I was the breadth student for the first 25 years of my life, I am the depth student now and so much more appreciative of the deep knowledge I have acquired in some areas of my life.....(I think I will write more on this later in my blog- this just opens up a new arena to discuss.) So here is what I have narrowed down to date- I have decided to teach in semesters, since I love the college method- Here is where I am at with Hillary and Chase will do a modified list for 5th grade. As you can see, I love the teaching company courses and will use them as much as possible, when they are on sale and affordable. This is a first semester summer/fall program- do I need more or less? 8th Grade- Hillary Literature- (I am still compiling the list based on Hill’s preferences, but this is a start) This list is her audio list! We have yet to decide her reading list- Continue with Jane Austin (She would like to listen to all of her books throughout the summer *Sense and Sensibility (finished) *Pride and Prejudice (finished) *Don Quixote - is this too much ? *Shakespeare (Select Plays) *Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte) *Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte) *The English Novel (Teaching Company) 1/2 off the course *Life and Writings of Geoffrey Chaucer (Teaching Company) (Part of the Course) Canterbury Tales...not sure how to do this (I have yet to put together Chase’s list) Spelling Sequential Spelling Writing & Grammar I think maybe I should use R & S- our grammar is weak. How about IEW leaning that way too! History- European (From the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution) These are some of the spines to work from... Using a bundle of resources from United Streaming, Netflix, and a text undecided still - an recommendations? Italian Renaissance- (Teaching Company) Summer/Sept History of England from the Tudors to the Stuarts (Teaching Company) Fall Fine Arts Genius of Michealangelo (Teaching Company) - Summer Art of the Northern Renaissance (Teaching Company)- Fall Pottery Studio (Museum of Art Course)- Fall Music Harp Lessons Practice 1-1.5 hours a day Understanding the Fundamentals of Music (Teaching Company) Guitar- Chase) Math Saxon (Finishing 8/7 about 20 chapters to go) Algebra 1/2 Saxon (6/5- Chase) Science Prentice Hall Science Explorer Physical Science Scott Foresman (Chase) Foreign Language- Japanese MIT Open course ware as a guide- (I taught at a CC level and both parents speak, Hillary is highly visual and so Japanese should be a perfect fit for language for her, as it was for me)
  15. This weekend has been complete curriculum mayhem. All of a sudden, (and let’s just say I have been restraining all year long), went into a curriculum attack, a fit. You homeschoolers reading this know exactly what I am talking about. Picture this, my school is out in 4 weeks, (due to the fact that my kids will be traveling and attending a couple of camps for church and sports) it is reality check time and I am the only one to blame if things didn’t get done. All of a sudden, I was just panic stricken about the school year- what I had finished, what we didn’t finish, which courses were strong, which were weak- should I hire a writing tutor, should we go the AP route for high school? How do you classically study, but fit in all of the required classes and exams. It has been mental mayhem, but I think I have decided- but don’t hold me too it, because I think I could wake up tomorrow and start all over. At some point, you just have to decide and go with it. But every home-schooling parent probably feels like I do- questioning whether or not they have made the right decision, feelings of self-doubt of whether or not you have “doomed your child’s future” lingers on one of your shoulders, “will they pass the exam’s” lingers on the other shoulder, the fact that “none of it should matter and we should enjoy our children”, but the reality check is out there, the accountability buck stops here. I have been going back and forth on whether breadth vs. depth is better. I say depth! My husband says breadth! We have been battling it out all weekend. I was the breadth student for the first 25 years of my life, I am the depth student now and so much more appreciative of the deep knowledge I have acquired in some areas of my life.....(I think I will write more on this later in my blog- this just opens up a new arena to discuss.) So here is what I have narrowed down to date- I have decided to teach in semesters, since I love the college method- Here is where I am at with Hillary and Chase will do a modified list for 5th grade. As you can see, I love the teaching company courses and will use them as much as possible, when they are on sale and affordable. This is a first semester summer/fall program- do I need more or less? 8th Grade- Hillary Literature- (I am still compiling the list based on Hill’s preferences, but this is a start) This is her audio list Continue with Jane Austin (She would like to listen to all of her books throughout the summer *Sense and Sensibility (finished) *Pride and Prejudice (finished) *Don Quixote -is this too old? *Shakespeare (Select Plays) *Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte) *Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte) *The English Novel (Teaching Company) 1/2 off the course *Life and Writings of Geoffrey Chaucer (Teaching Company) (Part of the Course) (I have yet to put together Chase’s list) Spelling Sequential Spelling Writing & Grammar Probably Write Source again! But I think maybe I should use R & S- our grammar is weak. How about iew History- European (From the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution) These are some of the spines to work from... Using a bundle of resources from United Streaming, Netflix, and a text undecided still - an recommendations? Italian Renaissance- (Teaching Company) Summer/Sept History of England from the Tudors to the Stuarts (Teaching Company) Fall Fine Arts Genius of Michealangelo (Teaching Company) - Summer Art of the Northern Renaissance (Teaching Company)- Fall Pottery Studio (Museum of Art Course)- Fall Music Harp Lessons Practice 1-1.5 hours a day Understanding the Fundamentals of Music (Teaching Company) Guitar- Chase) Math Saxon (Finishing 8/7 about 20 chapters to go) Algebra 1/2 Saxon (6/5- Chase) Science Prentice Hall Science Explorer Physical Science Scott Foresman (Chase) Foreign Language- Japanese MIT Open course ware as a guide- (I taught at a CC level and both parents speak, Hillary is highly visual and so Japanese should be a perfect fit for language for her, as it was for me)
  16. Tell me why you love it so much? Tell me what type of writer you have and why it has worked for them? If you don't use it, why not? How will it change my life :confused: even better yet, my two children's writing career- :)
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