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Memory, Mastery, and Cognitive Disability


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Cognitive disabilities often include a difficulty with memorization. 


For those of you who have children with cognitive disabilities do you change your expectations? Or do you just work on mastery longer? 


My son struggles with memory issues, and while we can work through a book/level, that doesn't mean he remembers everything by the time we reach the end. Should I go back to the beginning? How much mastery/memory is enough? 

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I don't know what your child's specific difficulties are, but what I have ended up doing here with a DD that struggles to memorize was to go to the very beginning (in math) start over with basic, basic skills and move forward but do a really tight spiral approach (using CLE) but also include additional practice through math games, dry erase board work, Beast Academy (scaffolded), etc.  and scaffold in areas that she needs it.  She creates her own multiplication grid to use each week then creates another one the next week and so on.  Having that helps her feel confident and she really doesn't need it that much anymore since she is remembering the patterns a lot more now.  I am trying to do this sort of thing with all the subjects now...


1. Go back to basics.

2. Review consistently as we move forward (but not with an overwhelming amount of material, just quick reviews)

3. Go in depth (while still reviewing)

4. Scaffold where needed

5.  Have her create her own materials to scaffold with wherever appropriate


Not sure that helps you much, though.


Good luck and best wishes.  Hugs.

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