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Can my dd earn high school credit while still in 7th and 8th grade?

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My dd will be in 7th grade this fall. We have just finished Oak Meadow Grade 6 and plan to use it probably through high school.


Could I have my dd take one or two "fun" high school level course(s) throughout 7th and 8th grade from Oak Meadow? We do it at home by ourselves though. I would assign the credit. We do not enroll in Oak Meadow. We only use their curriculum.


I was thinking maybe she would like to take Lifetime Health & Fitness or Psychology.


I was thinking she could get a jump on high school and get a couple credits.


Has anyone done anything like this?

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I think it would be great if she did a few extra courses of interest. But I would not give her high school credit for them. If y'all are adding to curriculum each year, she's not going to be short any credits anyway. You'll more likely be like us and deciding which classes are credits and which are just good things to have taken for fun, knowledge, etc so as not to have a transcript for 40some (or MORE!) credits!


Anyway, JMO. I can see giving credit for science, math or a language done in 7th or 8th grade if the transcript won't show enough otherwise but I would not give credit otherwise.

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I think it would be great if she did a few extra courses of interest. But I would not give her high school credit for them. If y'all are adding to curriculum each year, she's not going to be short any credits anyway. You'll more likely be like us and deciding which classes are credits and which are just good things to have taken for fun, knowledge, etc so as not to have a transcript for 40some (or MORE!) credits!


Anyway, JMO. I can see giving credit for science, math or a language done in 7th or 8th grade if the transcript won't show enough otherwise but I would not give credit otherwise.


:iagree: I didn't even give credit for Algebra I and Geometry or Latin I & II prior to 9th grade, simply because my dds had *plenty* of maths after Algebra I and continued on with four additional years of languages as well. Only include the high school level work that she needs for her core credits (math/science/English) if you are short in the end. Otherwise, just report the work she does in the last four years of school, and trust us--you'll have PLENTY of credits. :)


High school goes by so fast. Enjoy middle school, and take time for a field trip or two...or ten. I wish we'd spent more time playing together now that those years are past.

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It's your homeschool, you can do what you want - really!


The real question here is "what do you want those credits to do?" do you want her to 'graduate' early? Are you looking to buld an outstanding transcript for admission to highly selective colleges? Will she be at a community college for one or two years before going to a 4 year institute? Will she pursue technical training of some kind?


Generally, however, colleges won't acknowledge credits earned in 7th or 8th grade. If you do Algebra I in 8th grade, that is pretty much 'proven' by taking Algebra II and Geometry in 9th and 10th grades. some colleges (University of Washington for example) ONLY look at the previous four years of work, so taking a gap year would work against you as would trying to earn credits in earlier years. Even if your surrounding public schools give high school credit for Algebra I in 8th grade (which I have heard about) doesn't mean the college your child ultimately attends will acknowledge it.


But if you want her to accumulate credits so you can 'graduate' her early, or she has an easier workload (or time to pursue individual interests) in later years, you certainly can. And only you know if it is the right thing for your daughter. My dd is a rising 9th grader this year and she will be finishing Algebra I over the summer as well as doing a marine biology course (using her older brother's cc textbook). I haven't decided if I will count it for high school or not. And we are doing it during the summer because we are SO relaxed about doing school, we kind of have to keep at it all the time.


I belive in an extended period of time for high school (3-4 years at home and 2 years at a community college). I can tell you I am much happier sending my 19 year old son to the air force academy than if he shipped out while he was still 17 (and just finished with home school high school). I realize that my flexibility in this area is possible because of our generous dual enrollment here in Washington state. Not everyone has those options.


all the best to you and your daughter


(And I'm with Lori - lots of together time, really they want to be independent and grown up soon enough. Another reason for Marine Biology this summer is low tide days, a whale watching field trip, etc, etc.)

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I'd be really reluctant to put a 7th grader into a high school health class.


Lesson 16: Chapter 18: Reproduction, Pregnancy, and Development



Lesson 17: Chapter 19: Building Responsible Relationships



Lesson 18: Chapter 20: Risks of Adolescent Sexual Activity



Chapter 21: HIV and AIDS


These are good things to study, but I'd wait until the suggested age. I believe they list it in 12th grade (i.e. right before college).

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