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making a super simple patio or deck?

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We have planned to put in a patio or unattached deck for the past few years. We kept the grass mowed low and now it's mostly packed dirt. It's never going to get done. Never. Dh wants to do it himself, but he's too busy. Our neighbors just had some asphalt poured and they're going to use that as a patio. I'm thinking blacktop is not a great idea ;) a little too hot for my feet even in shoes.


Is there another cover that can be put down to cover the ground? The packed dirt sort of works, but we do get bugs on the table more than we do on the deck. (The deck is too small for a table). Online I've seen that some people use gravel and others sand. I'm not convinced those would work well. Have any of you used those? Or some other cover?

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I agree that asphalt might be too hot depending where you live. We had an asphalt drive way in CA and we were always burning our feet in the summer.


My dh put in a pathway from our backdoor to the garbage cans using pavers. It was a super easy project and took him less than a weekend to do. They look beautiful, too. I'm not sure if they would be good for a patio with table because they are a little bumpy. Also they are pricey. You can buy them at the hardware store - just ask for pavers.


My only suggestions is to put down a weed paper under the stones. My dh did one section without the paper and now we have grass growing between the pavers in that spot.


My dh used different sizes and colors to give it some visual interest, but they sort of look something like this:



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Ferdie, can you try linking again?


OK, let's try this link. If the link doesn't work then go to homedepot.com and seach on "pavers". My dh used the items in the second row called pavestone.



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