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Please share your favorite homemade bread recipes!

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Bestefar's Bread

(Bestefar means 'grandfather' in Norwegian)


This was given to me by a former teaching colleague.


1 cup 110F water

2 Tbsp granulated yeast (~2 pkgs)

1/4 cup brown sugar

2 cups milk

1/2 cup melted shortening (or Canola oil)

1/4 cup sorghum

1 Tbsp salt

2-3 cups unbleached flour

5 cups whole wheat flour.


Stir yeast and brown sugar in 1 cup 110F water. Heat milk almost to boiling. Add shortening, sorghum and salt in large mixing bowl. Cool to about 110F and stir in yeast mixture. Gradually add 2 cups flour and 5 cups whole wheat flour (I also sometimes add about 1/4 cup ground flaxseeds or wheat bran at this point). Mix in additional flour as needed until dough is of kneading consistency.


Turn onto board dusted with flour. Knead about 10 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic. Place in large greased bowl, turn and coat both sides. Cover with plastic wrap or a damp cloth and let rise until double in bulk. Punch down and shape into 3 loaves (I sometimes sprinkle one of these loaves with a cinnamon-sugar mixtures to make cinnamon-swirl bread). Place in greased bread pans and let rise again until double.


Bake at 350F for 35-40 minutes. Take from oven and remove bread from pans. Tap lightly on bottom of loaves. When done, bread has a hollow sound.


Enjoy! :)

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