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My husband was contacted by a young woman online...

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My thoughts exactly.


Be very careful......this person is a stranger even if they turn out to be blood related.


I actually have 5 half siblings that I have never met and if they ever contacted me I would be leary to get involved because the only thing we have in common is a father and he was more of a sperm donor for me.

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via one of those networking sites like FaceBook or MySpace. And, she says she's his half sister. And, obviously, this has come as a shock to the two of us. And, he's going to call his sister.


I'll keep you updated...


I hope that if it's true, that it turns out to be wonderful. I have two friends who have had really beautiful things happen after contacting half siblings as adults. So you never know. I'd be careful but optimistic.

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I found out about 5 years ago that I had a 1/2 sister (we share the same Dad), DNA confirmed my brother and I were very excited even my mom was. She has been out here to visit twice and we have a great relationship. My dh is adopted so I always half expect his siblings to call up out of the blue. Keep us posted!

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via one of those networking sites like FaceBook or MySpace. And, she says she's his half sister. And, obviously, this has come as a shock to the two of us. And, he's going to call his sister.


I'll keep you updated...


I'd be rather careful. How in the world can she be sure? What documents/proof does she have to back up this claim?

I am naturally suspicious but if it can be proven, I hope she'll be a great addition to the family.

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Thanks, y'all. :)


Actually, I'm pretty excited about the prospect of another sister in law. She has a lot of details right, and I guess if my Dh's dad fesses up to the relationship and the child...she was 9 months old before they moved away...then that would pretty much be that.


My Dh, on the other hand, has had his world turned upside down. He doesn't want to talk to his dad about it and basically would like to stick his head in the sand and pretend today didn't happen...or as he said: Can I just press Control D?


I'll update when I have more information...

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I find it very odd that she sent an email. I would think someone in her position would have sent a letter instead - it just looks more legitimate. I'd avoid her unless you have confirmation from your father-in-law. It really is too easy to get ahold of personal information these days, and scammers are everywhere.



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It's true. My Dh talked, briefly, to his dad a few minutes ago. Thankfully, my MIL knows and has known. My SIL e-mailed and admitted that she received a letter a few months ago and, though she kept it, she didn't mention it to anyone other than her own Dh.


My Dh says it's the Midwest way...to NOT talk about stuff. I can't relate. I'm half Korean and my parents and sister and I *talk-ity talk talk* to each other. Of course, my dad's family is all in Wisconsin and they *talk-ity talk talk* to us and each other. It's probably just my Dh's family.


I'm blown away.

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