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Has the SOTW Activity Guide Vol 3 been revised? Also, feedback on how useful it was?

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I may use the SOTW Activity guide next year and I saw that the Ancient World has been revised but I can't find any info on Vol 3. Also, would like to know how useful the maps and activities were inside. Anysight would help.


Thank you for your time in responding.:)

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We are using vol 3 now, we're about halfway through. I'm finding that I'm using the activity guide (AG) for different things now than I used to. I'm using it with both my boys, one is in logic stage and one grammar. My older one needs more map work, so I use a maps program to make extra stuff for him, I often use the AG map for the younger. This volume in particular I haven't used the projects much, I don't know that this is a reflection of the projects or just my increasing lack of time to do projects of any kind, kwim? My older doesn't like the coloring pages, but my younger one does.


What I do find extremely helpful about the AG, and which would cause me to buy it even if we didn't use the student pages (maps and coloring pages) or activities, are the comprehension questions, the summaries (narration examples), and the lists of additional resources. These have been enormously helpful to me.


I'm actually looking for something for my older to have as an additional "project"; he really likes crossword puzzles so I'm thinking to make puzzles for each chapter as his activity, in lieu of a coloring page.

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SOTW 1 and 2 were revised to clear up some format issues that they caught before 3 and 4 were printed. There are no plans to revise 3 and 4.We are just finishing 3. I like the questions, maps, book lists, and I like to read through the activites. We rarely do more than one of them, but I like the range that there are. My kids dislike coloring.

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SOTW 1 and 2 were revised to clear up some format issues that they caught before 3 and 4 were printed. There are no plans to revise 3 and 4.We are just finishing 3. I like the questions, maps, book lists, and I like to read through the activites. We rarely do more than one of them, but I like the range that there are. My kids dislike coloring.


What kind of format issues?

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Here it is copied straight from the Peacehill Press website!



I see you have revised editions of Volumes 1 and 2 of The Story of the World. What can you tell me about them?


Glad you asked. We're really excited about the revised editions. We have added new maps, new illustrations, a new timeline, and a new pronunciation guide to the book. The text is still the same great story you know from the first edition. We've added a few clarifying notes to parents. We also re-designed the book itself, to make it easier to read.


Are you going to revise the other 2 volumes?


We have no current plans to re-do Volumes 3 or 4.

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