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Music lessons questions

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DD9 has been taking violin lessons since she was 5. She is progressing well and likes it...it took a while to get over the practicing on her own hump, but she has done it an dis now efficiently practicing on her own with my listening ear outside the door and she often plays for us as well. She's doing great.


DD7 has just begun piano lessons. We waited a while on her b/c she's just so wiggly and has such a short attention span. She's doing really surprisingly well and LOVES the lessons and her teacher. Practice could be a little better, but we're working on it.


I have 2 more children who are not going to be able to start lessons right now (ages 5 and 4). I really feel like music lessons are important to their education. I can not teach them. I have some music background, but this is one area where I'm willing to let someone else teach them.


On to the real questions: my parents pay willingly for DD9's lessons and always have. I've hinted around about paying for DD7's lessons also, but they never give me a yes or no. So here's the situation we're facing: no way to be able to pay for the lessons--originally I was going to be donating plasma to pay for the lessons but that has been a flop, so now I'm faced with having to drop the piano lessons b/c I can't afford them. Which makes me feel really badly for DD7 b/c she really is liking them and doing so well. But then I feel like well if DD7 gets no lessons then DD9 shouldn't either. I really need advice here. I feel like it's SOOOO important and don't really want to drop either child. Mostly I hate it that if I drop DD9 we've wasted some 4.5 years of lessons and money! Help me see the light here or offer some creative ways to pay for lessons! BTW we have no other outside activities other than church activities which the kids do enjoy, but nothing really extra curricular like sports, dance, gymnastics, etc. and there is no money to do those things.

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Can you ask your parents right out if they are willing to pay for music lessons for dd7 also? Say you hate to ask, but she has done so well so far, and you'd hate to have BOTH OF THEM have to stop their lessons! No more hinting, just ask them right out, so you know what they're thinking and can move on with your plans for your dd's.


You could also talk to the piano teacher. Is there any work or service or something you do that you could barter with them in exchange for piano lessons?


Does your dh have parents who may be willing to cover, or at least help with, dd7's piano lessons? If his parents can cover some, and your parents can cover some, and you can cover some, maybe it could work out to keep her going!


Best wishes! I hope it works out, I too think music is very important!

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I know this might seem like the obvious, but have you crunched the numbers? How much do you need for the lessons each month and where can you get it? What are you willing to sacrifice? can you do some babysitting or earn a small amount of money elsewhere without creating more cost to yourself. Could you cut cable, internet, land line? Even the little things like clipping coupons, finding ways to lower the light and water bills. Get creative. It may help you reach that goal, and if you need to you can say to the grandparents "we can budget this much, is there there a way you could help with the rest?".

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I was thinking the same thing as another poster. Could the teacher do every other week with each child so that they could both get the lessons?


Another question: I took a test to be a census taker for next year. It is a temporary job. The times are flexible to work and it pays $19 per hour. Could you use that money to help pay for lessons?


Just a thought!





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