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Sparkspeople - Why didn't I listen to you earlier??

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I having been trying everything these last few months to lose some weight. I started perimenopause this year and am shocked at how much my metabolism has slowed, and at how fast I have gained weight. Ugh! Even my old faithful diets have resulted in no weight reduction.


I started using Sparkpeople a few days ago. What a difference logging my food has made. I didn't realize how many calories I consumed during afternoon snacking. I also have been working out with a buddy three times a week which I figured was enough. Sparkspeople has encouraged me to get active the other days of the week. I started walking and playing the Wii Fit on my days "off" and am surpised that the extra effort burns an additional 1,000 calories a week.


Thanks you guys! I think I am going to make it back into my summer clothes after all.

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