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BJU Phonics + AAS 1 = redundant??


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My son will be 6 in the fall, and I just tested him at about a 4th grade reading level. But I know there are vowel combinations and blends he currently guesses at and reads based on context. So phonics is still important. He's currently on lesson 28 of the 1st grade BJU phonics/english curriculum, and that is where we're stopping for the summer.


In the fall I plan to add in AAS spelling, starting with level 1, and I know that covers phonics too. Would the BJU just be busywork at this point? He is learning things doing it; i.e. syllables, beginning alphabetization, easy punctuation, etc. However, all the words he is writing and working with are waaaaaaay easy for him to read.


I'm looking for opinions - drop BJU, or plug on through?


Here's the rest of what he'll be working on in the fall:


BJU Math 1

BJU Handwriting 1


SOTW 1/VP History Cards

Artistic Pursuits


VP First Favorites

Bible memory

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I'd try Webster's Speller instead, it will review phonics and also take the phonics to where he can read any word, by the end of the book, you're reading 7 syllable words.


Work hard on the syllabary, then just read a line and spell a few words from each table of 1 syllable words, doing more from a table if that area needs more work. Then, slow down and cover most of the 2+ syllable words. I didn't do the more outlandish ones with my daughter, but we did most of them, and a few of them that she didn't know but were not totally archaic or unusual, I would also teach her the meaning of the word and use it in a sentence.

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I was in your position a couple of weeks ago trying to make the same decision. I had bought the BJU English/Phonics and after I received it and thoroughly looking through the curriculum, my head was spinning. It was WAY too much teacher prep and required a lot of materials. I have decided to send it back and use just AAS. AAS is a fantastic way to teach phonics/spelling that has been very effective for my older girls.

So, I say save your self one big headache and drop BJU phonics and stick with AAS!


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I was in your position a couple of weeks ago trying to make the same decision. I had bought the BJU English/Phonics and after I received it and thoroughly looking through the curriculum, my head was spinning. It was WAY too much teacher prep and required a lot of materials. I have decided to send it back and use just AAS. AAS is a fantastic way to teach phonics/spelling that has been very effective for my older girls.

So, I say save your self one big headache and drop BJU phonics and stick with AAS!



What about things like synonyms, antonyms, capitalization, etc.? AAS doesn't cover that; would we just pick that up in some other program later? I'm thinking of using the BJU selectively, since I already have it, and skipping all the unneeded phonics work, and just doing the english/grammar portion of the lesson when it comes up. But maybe that would be too hectic too. (We have the BJU TM's, the worktext, and the practice book. Once we started into the program he promptly launched himself another grade level or two in reading ability. Now we're on lesson 28, so it is too late to return/resell the books.)

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I'm currently using BJU Phonics/English AND BJU Spelling with my 6yo. I think if the BJU Phonics is helping and is easy (doesn't stress him out), and he is getting other things from it (caps, punctuation, syllables, etc.), then I would keep it. That's just my biased BJU opinion;) I think you could safely treat BJU Phonics/English as Phonics/English and treat AAS as Spelling. You already have the BJU book, so you wouldn't be spending any extra money then you already intend to spend. He is already accustomed to doing the Phonics/English workbook, so you aren't throwing a bunch of new things at him. Try it and see; if your son becomes overwhelmed by the workload and it is too much, then drop the BJU next year. However, since AAS is not writing intensive, I don't think this will be a problem. Also, I'll just note that I started off doing the teacher activities and prep in the teacher's guide for Phonics/English, but have pretty much dropped it and gone straight to the workbook. My 6yo is a good reader, and just a simple explanation from me when new things pop up in the workbook seem sufficient. It's good to have the TG as a reference, just in case you don't understand something in the workbooks, but I think if your child "gets it" then you can drop all of that prep work and use the workbooks.

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I agree with the PP. Since you already have it, go ahead and just teach the English portion and whatever phonics pages you may think helpful to him.

I probably should have done that myself considering my TM is non returnable(I went ahead and opened the cd before deciding to send it back:sad: so RR said it was non returnable) I instead purchased First Language Lessons for English which I am very impressed with.


It sounds like you have a great plan!



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