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Gardening Help Needed - Seedling question.

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I have a constant problem with my indoor seedlings having very long, skinny stems instead of building up strength. What could I be doing wrong? I have some that are growing already and the same thing is happening this year. Is there a way to correct this?



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That's generally a sign that they are not getting enough sunlight. Can you move them throughout the day so they get at least 8 hours of direct sunlight or put up grow lamps? Mine always came out that way, too, so I just started buying seedlings. I'm going to set up a seedling cart with grow lights eventually, but right now it's not in the budget.

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It's not easy to grow sturdy seedlings indoors, even with a bright window. The light is diffused so by the glass of the window, and few windows provide all the light seedlings need. You could move your little seedlings around, or, instead, set up some grow lights somewhere in your house, laundry, garage. Another option is to wait until the weather is a bit farther along toward spring so that you can set your little seeds outside during the day after they germinate. Or, as Tutor says, buy the ones that require starting so early so that you can direct seed others or wait until you can leave flats outside.


Mind if I ask what you're starting?



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I don't have good light options in this home. Almost NO souther windows. East is only in the kids' rooms. Grow lights may be my best bet. I'll look at other options. I have them between two windows that catch some of the southern and western light through the day but in truth, neither is big enough to really be sure of that 8 hour ideal.


I started egg plant, one tomato (a longer season variety), rosemary, peppers, and I can't think of what else. I need to get started on broccoli soon too.


Thanks! That probably explains it all.

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I don't have good light options in this home. Almost NO souther windows. East is only in the kids' rooms. Grow lights may be my best bet. I'll look at other options. I have them between two windows that catch some of the southern and western light through the day but in truth, neither is big enough to really be sure of that 8 hour ideal.


I started egg plant, one tomato (a longer season variety), rosemary, peppers, and I can't think of what else. I need to get started on broccoli soon too.


Thanks! That probably explains it all.


Depending on where you live, rosemary may be the only one you can't start a bit later -- it takes awhile from seed. If you happen to know anyone with an established plant, rosemary is easy to start from a cutting, either rooted directly into soil or by putting the stem in water for awhile.


If you can't get grow lights set up, you may be better off to buy plants for the other vegetables. Trouble with planting spindly seedlings is that they take so much longer to catch up that getting an early start on the seeding loses its meaning.


Good luck with everything. I'm a little jealous having had massive gardens for years and now having basically none. Ugh. I'm hoping to have something small, at least, for this summer. Forgive me for living vicariously a bit. ;)



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Forgive me for living vicariously a bit. ;)




I welcome any and all gardening talk you could possibly want to give. I'm garden challenged, though I've tried off and on for a few years. I have some things I catch on to so easily but this is just not one of them. I think it's because I'm not really an outdoor girl. I'd rather hang out indoors all summer but since that's not healthy and it doesn't get me fresh vegetables, I'm trying to retrain my thinking.


It's possible my neighbor has rosemary. I already have them going so I'm going to keep on trying. I may talk my husband into setting me up some grow lights though. I can check craigslist. I have had a hard time some years finding a good variety of seedlings at a decent price. Tomatoes, yes. Everyone has tomatoes. But I want squash, eggplants, and other interesting things since I love getting creative with vegetables in my cooking. It would be lovely to have them from the back yard. :)

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