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Help tweaking WWE


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I should have asked SWB this at the Midwest conference. I don't know why I didn't.


I love WWE, and so does my dd (7, 1st grade). She is far beyond the skills being taught for narration in WWE 1, her writing ability is about on par with what is suggested, and we have done no formal grammar yet, so the mechanics and usage that are incorporated into the copywork is very useful for us. I don't use the workbook, btw. I choose my own copywork using the guidelines in the text.


My question is, should I skip up to WWE, which requires more of the student in terms of narration and starts in dictation, or should I continue on where we are because there is no rush? I didn't start WWE until January, so we are only on week 14. I will be continuing with WWE through the summer, so we will start WWE 2 in the late fall. I have already greatly lengthened the passages she narrates from.





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In WWE 2 the narration passages are going to be longer probably like what you are already doing. It also helps them to pick out the central idea, not just repeat 1 thing they remember. If you wanted to skip to that level, but don't want to start dictation just yet, you could still do the dictation as copywork. But I think your original plan sounds good too. Either way would be fine. WWE is so gentle and well written that at 7 you DD is doing fine, so no need to rush her! (unless she is just DYING to do something more challenging, then I say start WWE 2).

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I love WWE also. My first grader did WWE1 this year. I thought the passages were challenging for him (which was good since listening to stories is hard for him), but the copywork a little too easy. But that was fine with me since we just beefed up other areas of our curriculum (spelling dictation, grammar, science/history narration/copywork) to make up for it.


It was actually nice to have it not too difficult. I like the program because it is easy to implement and my son never feels overwhelmed. He actually doesn't mind it because it is doable! And I like it because it gets the job done.

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