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TC's How to Become a Superstar Student


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My ds's and I have watched the first five lessons or so. (They are in 8th and 5th.) The 5th grader isn't really getting any "how to" out of it, but my 8th grader has actually been taking notes from his textbooks instead of winging it as usual. So, definitely progress there.


But, I think even more than the "how to", the value of this course is in the "why". It was very helpful to have a man extol the virtues of working hard at learning - and it helped that he compared it to working hard at sports. It convinced my boys that 1. education isn't just for girls, and 2. that they can be successful if they are willing to do the work.


After the second video, my older ds confided to me that he no longer was "afraid" to go back to public school, that now he had a plan he knew he could follow so that he wouldn't get "lost" in class. (This was a big problem for him in elementary school.) That was priceless. I want us to homeschool for high school, but not because ds is afraid of falling behind and failing at public school!!!


I plan to start really implementing the entire system next year, when he starts 9th grade. I think (tho' we haven't tried it yet) that it will help us be successful in moving to some online and DVD classes - something which I'm still a little leery of.



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I have the "How to Become a Superstar Student" from Teaching Company. I would definitely purchase it if your children are in 8th grade and above. He gives you a method on how to take notes from lectures and textbooks. From these notes, you have a study guide for upcoming tests. We've used his method and my older son was able to grasp lecture and the corresponding textbook notes. My younger son had more trouble with this. It is a great resource heading into high school.

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