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Shirley English. Need grammar suggestions and advice.

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We were planning on using Shirley English at the beginning of 1st grade with ds. I decided to drop it since I felt that I needed to focus on phonics and fluency before introducing grammar to him. Now that we are at the end of the year, I feel like we are ready to start grammar.


I have gone through the first lessons of Shirley (before we dropped it) and realize how teacher intensive it is. I don't mind it's intensiveness if it is an excellent program. I just want to know...is it an excellent program??


And which level do I start with if I go with it? Is there a better program out there for grammar? Since we are starting out closer to 2nd grade, do we do a 2nd grade book?


I feel completely lost as to what program would work best and which level we should start with.


I appreciate any advice and suggestions. I am not limited by curriculum, so I'm willing to try something outside of Shirley. FWIW, we also just started level 1 of WWE.




Liz in NC

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I taught 2nd grade Shurley in a classical school, and I do like it for a classroom setting. But now that I am home teaching my own kiddos, meh, not such a good fit! I don't like a TM that scripts every single word I'm supposed to say, and the organization of the materials seems like it could be better. We're using BJU for English, and I know there are other great programs too; I'm eager to hear what others recommend!

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I hear great things about Shurley. That being said, we are big fans of FLL. It is scripted, but it is just a guide. I have dd 1st grade in FLL 1 and dd 3rd grade in FLL 3. About once a year I get ready to jump the FLL ship and do something workbooky. My dh kindly suggests I stay the course and I'm so glad. My kids are learning a lot!


FLL 1 lessons are short yet kids will learn a lot. We find the FLL CD to be a great purchase with all the stories, poems and grammar chants.

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When I began with Shurley about 7 years ago, what I loved most about it was that it was scripted! I didn't know how to teach grammar. After using it for a couple years, I found that I could read ahead in the TM and teach the lesson without the script. It gave me confidence. I also love the question/answer flow to classifying a sentence. It makes sense and it has made learning grammar fun! Both my boys have retained what they've learned. Now my oldest is doing Analytical Grammar and still using the Q/A flow to help him. :001_smile:

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