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Latin Road to English Grammar?


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Take this with a grain of salt. I haven't used the program. I did sit in on a presentation by the author at our homeschool convention 2 years ago. I don't know if it was her presentation (I don't think it was), but this was BORING. It took the road/building metaphor a bit too far, over complicating the program. It was also really expensive. The plus side is all the DVDs you get (making it less prep/teach time for you).

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I guess I have been under a rock, but I just heard about this program today. Anyone with any experience using it? I would love to hear feedback!




zzzzz...oh I am sorry. Yes, we did use it for a very, little while. (trying to find a snarky smile) :bored: We are not allowed to use the words "I'm bored" in our house as we have trained the children that boredom is a state of mind and to get their mind moving. But, I probably used those words...:D

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I used this program with my older boys when we first decided to learn some Latin. It started out great, but quickly turned disasterous...so I purchased the DVD set thinking that would help! NOPE! The DVDs are just set-up instructions and helps for the teacher, not the student. They were not helpful at all.


Not knowing ANY Latin whatsoever when we began, we very quickly got lost mid-way in Vol. 1. I could not help them because *I* did not know the answers either. Oh, sure, I had the answer key, but that is not helpful in explaining the 'whys.' They could not grasp WHY they were doing something, or how to know WHEN something is done. We finally had to drop it. My oldest decided then and there that Latin was not for him. My middle son picked up LCI and proceeded to teach himself what he could from that...but still never truly understood or saw the whole picture. My kids really need to know why they are doing something...whole to parts work best for them. I think they get that from their mama. :blush:


So, all that to say...If you, the teacher, are well versed in Latin Grammar then I believe Latin Road would be fine. It's not super fun and it's quite expensive, but it should do the trick. On the other hand, if you're a Latin newbie yourself...I say look elsewhere. :blink:

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