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Total Language Plus Q


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I am new to this curriculum.

I will be using these next year with a 6th and 8th grader.

I saw online most use between 3 and 5 with breaks between.


How many to you use in a years time?


Do you use the grammar?

We like R&S Grammar.


How do you like the spelling and the vocabulary?


Any other information that you think would be helpful would be appreciated!

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Here's what I can tell you:


Be prepared to limit how much your student reads each day/week. There is a schedule in each guide. My ds was frustrated with reading so slowly and dragging the book out for seven weeks.


Continue with your R&S grammar. The only grammar in the levels you would be using is through dictation and an occasional marking of a particular part of speech in the dictation passage.


The spelling is very challenging as is the vocabulary (spelling and vocabulary use the same words).


The comprehension questions are quite thorough.


The additional assignments were hit or miss for us. My son wasn't really interested in doing any of them. We did the personally thinking questions orally.


Unless you use one of the additional assignments as your writing, each week's writing assignment will ask the student to apply the biblical passages to that's week reading.


The guides are nice, but I don't think my son could deal doing more than a couple of these in a school year. They go into almost too much depth for him right now. He thought they took the joy out of reading.


We are back to doing reading, narrating and a project or book report.


I'm sure others will chime in. This is just our experience. I know tons of families that love these guides.




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I have purchased 3 guides. I was planning on starting a guide for the summer. I only want them to work an hour or 2 during the summer. We already have a lot to do in that 1-2 hrs.


We are planning on using IEW for writing. I plan to do some of the assignments, since my dc need it.


Glad to hear that the spelling and vocab are strong.

We have not found a spelling/vocab that we like so far.

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I absolutely love this program! I believe 4 books makes up one years English program. If you go to their website, you can click on the books that you are considering to see the difficulty level of each book in different areas. I've been dying to cover certain books, but my son is "average" and I want to be careful about frustrating him with difficult vocabulary, comprehension etc. just make sure you check out the books and know your what your child can handle.

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