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s/o lapbooks


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I've never done them so I don't know, which is why I asked about them on my other thread. ;) Is the only reason you don't like them because they are like busy work? I'm trying to decide if they will be beneficial or not.


I will say that my dd (turns 4yo next month) needs stuff to keep her busy and I think this may help. She is a budding artist and sat and colored the front of her folder today. LOL


The other thing I am thinking is that my ds7 might enjoy making a book more than he enjoys doing the workbook pages. We're using Abeka and he's just getting so bored with it that it's a fight.



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I personally think it depends on your family's love or hatred of "crafts". If you aren't a crafty person/family, then I can see where all the cutting, coloring, pasting, would seem to have no value. My family likes these activities and the finished products don't end up in a binder on a shelf never to be seen again, so for that reason alone I like lapbooks. We put completed lapbooks into a laundry basket under the living room table....and I've seen the kids going through theirs and their siblings many many times. THey also love to pull them out and show them off to visitors. Since they review them so often (on their own!!) I believe them to have much more benefit than the notes and other reports and such that sit in binders forgotten until I tell them to review such and such.


If time spent doing these is taking away too much from the other work you have scheduled......I have let the kids do the cutting and coloring during read-aloud sessions. It keeps their hands busy but their ears listen to the story. I don't have them do the writing part because that takes concentration, but cutting and coloring not so much.


If you like the idea of a project that they can have pride in but don't like the art/craft aspect......do some reading about "notebooking" which isn't as craft intensive, but looks better than a plain sheet of notebook paper with writing on it. A couple of places to get them premade so all you do is print it out (I'm a customer to these, but not an owner or anything):



historyscribe.com (they're having a 50% off sale at currclick this week)



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I must say though that this is a sneaky way to get a bit of writing in. The same child (gr 3) who whines about writing 5 or 6 short sentences in her English lesson, will compose well written paragraph after paragraph in a lapbook (Apologia Zoology 1) explaining how birds fly, nest, find mates etc.


Even my 5 yo will write complete sentences one after another if it's about a topic that interests him - like trucks! :lol: We're doing a truck lapbook right now. I couldn't find one so we're winging it. His sister won't let him help with hers :D


I'm going to try and interest her in notebooking in the near future. I'd like to see her do something sort of like lapbooking only on individual pages of cardstock in a binder. Bite sized projects like that don't take over the whole room.

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