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My iphone appears to be in a permanent reset do-loop. Does anyone know how to do a "hard" reset?


I've already tried holding both buttons til it goes black, then the apple appears. It just does that again and again, until the battery dies. When I plugged it back in, it started the do-loop again.


The nearest apple store in an hour away and I'd rather not have to drive there.

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Most of the people with your problem tried to "jailbreak" their phone. I'm assuming you didn't do this.


The first is


If iPhone won’t turn on, or if the display freezes or doesn’t respond


* Press and hold the Home button below the screen for at least six seconds, until the application you were using quits.


* If that doesn’t work, turn iPhone off and turn it on again. Press and hold the Sleep/ Wake button on top of iPhone for a few seconds until a red slider appears, and then drag the slider. Then press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.


* If that doesn’t work, reset iPhone. Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.


But I think this is what you've already done. This is from the Apple site.


Next I found this:


turn the phone off, unplug it from the usb cable, hold down home button, plug phone in while still depressing the home button then open itunes. Itunes will now see your phone and you can start the restore process...


I have no idea who this guy is. It's halfway down on this page.


And then this last one you're not going to like. Look here to find the guy's blog type explanation, but he eventually he had to take the phone back and get a new one. Essentially call Apple and go back to the store.


Sorry it's not better news.

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