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BrainSkills Online - Free 10-day Trial

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I know several of you have used the old print version of this, so I thought there might be interest. . .


I am organizing a free trial of the new online version of this program for my group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeartofReading/


If you would like to participate, please join via the link above and note your interest in the open poll. I will be posting instructions for participation mid-week.



¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-Tina ~

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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I know several of you have used the old print version of this, so I thought there might be interest. . .


I am organizing a free trial of the new online version of this program for my group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeartofReading/


If you would like to participate, please join via the link above and note your interest in the open poll. I will be posting instructions for participation mid-week.



¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-Tina ~

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*



Thank you!

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Thank-you for this! A friend saw your note and called me about it today. I sent in a request to join the group but did not see an "open poll." Will I have access to that once my request is approved? Am I too late to participate?


Your group looks great. Thanks again for setting this trial up.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. My name is Tara. I am a homeschool mom of a 5 year-old and a 9 year-old. In addition, I am a PACE provider in Florida with a company called The Brain Trainers. PACE stands for Processing and Cognitive Enhancement and is the trainer-driven program that uses a similar approach and the same science upon which the online BrainSkills program is designed. They are both developed by Dr. Ken Gibson.


I am currently working extensively with the BrainSkills online program, as well as the online Gibson Test of BrainSkills, in an effort to make these resources known and available, especially in our homeschool community. In fact, I will have a booth at the FPEA Convention (Florida’s annual homeschool convention) this May.


Basically the program is designed to present non-academic activities to a student, requiring them to respond in a way that targets specific underlying learning skill. These learning skills are the foundation upon which learning rests. A strong foundation generally results in easier, faster and more enjoyable learning.


The Gibson Test of Brain Skills measures 11 different core cognitive skills and the activities in BrainSkills focus on strengthening these skills.



1. Processing Speed

The speed with which the brain processes information.



2. Working Memory

To temporarily retain information while processing or manipulating it.



3. Visual Memory

The part of memory that preserves some characteristics of our senses pertaining to visual experience. We are able to place in memory information that resembles objects, places, animals or people in a sort of a mental image.



4. Auditory Memory

Memory process that involves being able to take in information that is presented orally to you, process that information, store it in your mind and then recall what you have heard.


5. Short-Term Memory


That part of memory which is said to be able to hold a small amount of information for about 20 seconds. Estimates of short-term memory capacity vary from about 3 or 4 elements (IE, words, digits, or letters) to about 9 elements.



6. Long-Term Memory

Memory, stored as meaning, that can last as little as 30 seconds or as long as decades.



7. Word Attack

Word attack skills are the ability to convert graphic symbols into intelligible language.



8. Visual Processing

The sequence of steps that information takes as it flows from visual sensors to cognitive (mental) processing. To process and make use of visual images.



9. Auditory Analysis Segmenting

To determine the number, sequence, and which sounds are within a word.



10. Auditory Analysis Drop

The ability to understand the sounds that remain after you take a word and drop a sound. For example, take the word cat. What remains if you drop the c? This is tested by auditory means.



11. Logic & Reasoning

To reason, plan, and think.Often referred to as "executive functioning skills".




Here’s a quick fact sheet that provides answers to questions that you may have:






What should I learn about cognitive skills and their importance


  • Why underlying cognitive skills are the foundation upon which learning rests
  • How testing can get you started in the right direction
  • Why training weak skills is better than focusing only on strengths




The Gibson Test of Brain Skills


  • Only $29.95 per person (recommended for ages 7+ and not a prerequisite before starting BrainSkills)
  • Completed in your home on-line
  • Takes 30-40 minutes to complete
  • Same day results available on-line
  • Comprehensive written report of skills and assessment analysis (not a diagnosis)






  • Only $495 for a 1 year subscription (versus thousands for clinical training)
  • 20% discount for additional programs purchased simultaneously within a family
  • Trains the brain using the science of neuroplasticity
  • Non-academic activities to encourage your reluctant learner
  • One hour per day, five days per week for 12-24 weeks (average)
  • Permanent results that transfer to daily life and academics
  • Side benefit of improving self esteem




An introduction to BrainSkills is available at the following links:


To view a FREE demo of each exercise for an unlimited period of time, please go to www.brainskills.com/intro.html. Just click “login†to enter. This demo provides access at will to each exercise for level 1, except Auditory Analysis goes up to level 5. The regular program goes well beyond these initial levels and is more structured and requires a student to spend a defined amount of time per exercise. Advancement is based upon results.


To learn more about why cognitive skills testing and training may be right for you and your family, and for additional details about The Gibson Test of Brain Skills and BrainSkills, please visit http://www.thebraintrainers.net. We also offer personal consultation services at an hourly rate.


For FREE activities and current information about cognitive skills activities, other health concerns, and current science applicable to learning and education, please also visit our “Grey Matters†blog and forum. Grey Matters is located on our main web site as well as at http://becausegreymatters.blogspot.com. If you want to be notified of any new posts and FREE cognitive skills activities, please select the “follow†option on the upper right hand side of the stand alone blog site.


Please note that portions of BrainSkills may be too challenging for the under 7 crowd. If you would like more information to ascertain if this program is a good fit for your younger student, please call me and I would be happy to discuss your personal situation. Giving a hard and fast rule is always a little risky J


Having said the above, please note that there are ways to proactively develop the underlying learning skills of the younger child. Again, feel free to contact me on that and I can help as I have developed a training approach for this younger age group, and have successfully implemented it with my own 5 year-old.

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