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Which NOEO level? 4th grader and 1st grader


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I am looking at NOEO for physics next year and I will have a 4th grader and

1st grader. I'm not wild about buying two levels and yet if I need to do that I am open to it. If I combine them I'm not sure if I shoud go up to physics II and then find books for my 1st grader on the topics studied or if I should bump down and do physics I.


Any suggestions or BTDT?



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My 4th grader did NOEO Physics I this year and it is right on his level. However, he is an average reader and doesn't LOVE to write. The levels of NOEO are based on the child's reading comprehension level more than anything else.


I would never suggest doing a level II NOEO with a child younger than 4th grade. I would, personally, go with Physics I and if your older needs "more" then check out books that go more in depth from the library.

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