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Article on MSN about memorization mentions SWB and WTM

Annie Laurie

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I was gonna post this, but I didn't cuz I am not real huge into classical education. But my dh found this article and sent it to me. I was reading thru it and found SWB mentioned at the bottom, and just had to go ask my dh where he found this. I never really discuss schooling methods or anything , so I found it interesting that *he* found this article interesting enough to send me the link. Althought I had to cough my way thru the reference to evolution I did find the rest of the article very good. This one reason I am leaning toward R&S math and PLL.

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Very interesting article, thanks for sharing! I had to laugh at the part about her father in college - my DH (who went to school in India) is so like that. He remembers all kinds of poetry, obscure quotes, Shakespeare and who knows what else & can recite it verbatim. It seriously blows my mind, because while I did some memorization in school, I remember none of it!

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