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Hives from pea soup and veggie chili with lentils? (M)

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In the last few days my youngest (allergic to milk) has broken out in hives from veggie chili that he has had before, the only difference was I added lentils this time and pea soup which he's never had, but was the recipe post here (split peas, water, carrots, and onions - very good by the way).


Then with the pea soup my oldest (allergic to eggs) broke out in hives just around his mouth and said his chest burned? I'm thinking reflux?


Any thoughts? We go to the ped allergist in a few weeks for our normal check up.

Funny you should ask this. I've eaten split pea soup for years, but only recenty seem to have an allergic reaction when I eat it. I get an itchy feeling around my mouth and jaw, and sometimes a hive or two. My thought is that there might be something used in the processing of the peas (dried I assume you mean?) that wasn't used before.
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The peanut suggestion is a good one... peanuts and peas/lentils are related. (Although my two peanut allergic kids can handle them just fine.)


I've been having trouble with apples, which I'd eaten all my life. I suspected that it was a pesticide, even after the fruit had been washed. I recently learned that they are testing some new pesticides that are actually given in the soil through fertilizer. These pesticides are actually IN the fruit. So, I tried eating some organic fruit from the farmers market. I can eat those just fine. It could definitely be the processing. Is it a different brand than usual?

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I'd also check into the peanut allergy connection. My son is highly allergic to peanuts and tree nuts. The first few times I gave him split pea soup he complained he really didn't like it but I didn't pay much attention. I think the 3rd or 4th time he had an immediate allergic reaction and then I knew. It is common for allergies to show up later in life, even if they have never been a problem before.

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Once a food is cooked it's enzymes change and you can have a different reaction to it than if it was not cooked. Some people are allergic to raw carrots but can eat cooked carrots with no problems.


My first thought is legumes because of the obvious connection between peas and beans. He may not react to peanut butter because it is not exactly the same as a pea or an (assumed) pinto bean in the chili. But in both dishes there maybe another component that is similar, like carrots, that may be overlooked because of the non-allergy to the raw form.




Good luck to figuring it out,


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