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Best way or place to test your child for learning issues?

Alison in KY

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I'm considering testing my dd, who will soon be 8. She's a nut :D and I love her to pieces, but I don't get if she's "getting" things at all. She will do okay on math, not as quick as her brother, but still slowly making progress, then we'll not do something for a little bit and she'll be lost on something easy...like adding 10 plus 10 easy.


Also, I'm going through WWE level 1 with her and when i read the sections, she has a difficult time picking out one thing this story is about, plus she usually can't answer the questions. It's really hard to tell if she isn't paying attention or if she really has a learning issue. She's no dummy, but at the same time she doesn't really seem to excel in any area (maybe it's a middle child thing :glare:). I can't decide wether to be frustrated with her or laugh at her, because as I've said, she's pretty nutty.


I hope no one has the wrong impression here, we're a pretty loving family and I don't talk negatively about her to her face, I just can't quite figure out what her learning style is or what to do with her. Understand?


Alison in KY

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