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Could ya'll pray for the baby that my dd babysits for? She's been sick for

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several weeks now. She has had a respiratory virus, then pneumonia last week, is on daily asthma medicine, suspect immune system problems, food allergies, needs to have her adenoids taken out next week, is extremely fussy, low appetite, might have reflex, just all out of sorts. Her mom is a single mom with two sons that have Asperger's. The baby is 15 months old. Thank the Lord that my dd keeps her at their house. She's been sick since October and is a stay at home baby. Can't imagine if she was in a daycare. The mom is worn out, nursing her still, but the mom is so tired she's not able to take care of herself like she would like, plus she's working 36 hours. The baby doesn't sleep well at all, so the mom isn't sleeping well either. Please pray that the baby gets well enough to be able to have the surgery next week. She does have happy times, but she has really been sickly and could certainly use prayer.


Thanks so much!



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This poor baby sounds just like my now 12dd when she was an infant--pneumonia, asthma, reflux, food allergies, immune deficiencies, etc.


Has the mom been able to take her to an immune specialist? That might be helpful.


A few things that we found VERY helpful (but I can't prove they really helped) was adding DAILY acidophillus and omega 3s to her diet. We use Supremadophillus which could likely be stirred into her food as it is a powder in a capsule (then again I had my dd by that age swallowing pills). We also use http://www.omegabrite.com and they have a kids liquid.


Like I said, I can't promise these will help but adding them sure made a difference here. We went from daily asthma meds, looking at doing IV IgG infusions (including putting in a port under her skin), antibiotic after antibiotic, etc. to NO ILLNESS, NO ASTHMA MEDS, NO ANTIBIOTICS.


I woudl obviously keep following up with the doctors (they might want to test for Cystic Fibrosis as well) but the 2 supplements won't hurt and they just might help.



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