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How would you rate the necessity of FLL 3 and/or 4 workbooks?


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I'm about to place my order and keep hovering over that workbook. I'm well acquainted with FLL/SWB's style and we have no issues writing all over a sheet of notebook paper for FLL 1/2 lessons. If we had a workbook for 1/2 I wouldn't use it. The freedom to tweak it however we want is worth more than two minutes of time.


Do you have any great reasons why I should drop $15 for the workbook? :)

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We are using FLL3 this year and I consider the workbook a necessity. If you are following the scripted lessons in the TM, you say a lot of "Now, read the sentence in exercise 2."


Also, this is an example from one of the lessons:


"I will ask you to read each of the sentences, 5 through 9, in your workbook, and circle the preposition in the sentence. Then I will ask you to underline the prepositional phrase."


So, if you didn't have the workbook, you would write out or type the sentences. The $15 for the workbook is worth every penny to me.




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I consider the workbook a must buy for FLL 3. There are lots of examples for the students to see and fill in the blanks. Also the dictionary skills have lists of words. In my opinion, there is no need to recreate the wheel and for an entire year of lessons, $15 is a steal (should I get paid for that advertisement?).

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