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"Quiverfull" questions...

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Originally Posted by Susan in TX viewpost.gif

Actually, I do. I also believe that the acceptance of birth control ultimately leads to the acceptance of abortion. I'm not saying that those who use birth control will then automatically accept abortion as okay, it is just that, logically, one leads to the other. In other words, if I am being responsible and using birth control to prevent a pregnancy than why is it not also responsible and right to terminate a pregnancy when birth control fails?



I think you probably meant your statement as a societal view, though, and not a personal one. Iow, a society that accepts bc will easily accept abortion, too. Individuals may not be so easily swayed...


I think that is exactly what she is saying. I have heard this "logic" used by secularists in an attempt to defend their choice to abort. :( I do not think she was accusing anyone here personally of condoning abortion.

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I think you probably meant your statement as a societal view, though, and not a personal one. Iow, a society that accepts bc will easily accept abortion, too. Individuals may not be so easily swayed. I see your argument, if that is what you meant. I might agree with you, but I'd have to give it more thought.


Yes, I meant it as a societal view and there are statistics to back it up: the more contraceptive use, the more abortion. Also the legal rationale for legalizing abortion was that since contraception is legal we need to allow the means to end a pregnancy when contraception fails. In the case Planned Parenthood vs. Casey, 1992, the court said, “In several critical respects, abortion is of the same character as the decision to use contraception. For two decades of economic and social development [i.e. since the 1973 decision which legalized abortion in Roe vs. Wade], people have organized intimate relationships and made choices that define themselves and their places in society, in reliance on the availability of abortion in the event that contraception should fail.â€


Susan in TX

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I missed this part yesterday but wanted to ask... do you not think that we are instructed in Scripture to make wise use of the resources -- financial, physical, and otherwise -- that God has given us? And if we are so instructed, what would poor use of those resources be if not sin?



Yes, we are instructed to be good stewards but I do not think that being a good steward neccessitates the use of contraception. I was speaking directly to the argument that we must limit the number of children we have through the use of contraception in order to be good stewards. In other words that those who don't contracept are sinning. (And I'm not saying that anyone here is making that argument but it has been made to me, personally, by others in the past.)


Susan in TX

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Yes, I meant it as a societal view and there are statistics to back it up: the more contraceptive use, the more abortion.


That's assuming facts not in evidence. You (or the material you are reading) are imposing a cause/effect agent. The issues involve in societies with access to bc and certainly abortion are too complex to conclude increased contraceptive use *causes* more abortion.


I get....angry, I guess, at the perspective that being for bc options is in ANY way related to a pro-abortion stand. Anecdotally, of course, hundreds of thousands of couples could say they use contraception because they *don't* believe (often personally rather than politically) in abortion.

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