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Would I have my son do his regular math and the CD SAT review at the same time?

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My 10th grade son is going to be taking the ACT next month and I bought the chalkdust SAT math review. Would he do his regular math ( saxon alg II) and do this review course or should he take a break from the Alg II?


If he keeps doing the Alg II he wll be done by the time we want to break in June, but if he takes a break to do the SAT review he wont finish the Saxon until fall.


Not sure what I should do.

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Hi Quiver,

I decided to have my son do double-duty in Math. He's still doing his geometry AND spending about an hour a day working/watching the Chalkdust SAT review dvd. I really wanted to let him put geometry aside, but I just couldn't do it.

(That said....he's working slowly and not at full pace in geometry right now.)



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My teen also continued her regular math while doing the Chalkdust review. As I recall the DVD set was about 14 hours long. I had her watch the DVD and stop it whenever she needed/wished to work a problem. She also did several practice tests (in their entirety) as well as worked through math sections in the big blue book. Ideally, I'd start the Chalkdust program about 8 weeks before the test for maximum effect.




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