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Let me just say: I do wish George Grant would transform his lectures into a book.

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I have long revered George Grant. He has to be one of the most prolific people I've known. When he lectures about Thomas Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt accomplishing so much at one time throughout their lifetimes, he is following suit.


I am revisiting his The Christian Almanac this year in my early-morning quiet time, and I decided to somehow include it in my teaching next year. (I just wrote more specs at Seasonal Soundings.)


I use SOTW in my 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes, and, while I am satisfied with it, I want more. I'm not sure what exactly, but somehow I feel like something is lacking. I like the story format, and even the students have commented about how they find history interesting now because of it. But, I feel like I need more "surrounding" material. (Now, don't get the idea I'm bashing it...no sirree...I'm not. SWB has used the marvelous gifts with which God equipped her, and I am grateful for it. And I'll bet SWB augments too!)


As a longtime educator, I have never been one to use one book. I am an obsessive augmenter. (Or is it augmentor?) Anyway, I use many ancillary materials. I'm sure many, if not most, here do also.


As I was reading this morning in Grant's The Christian Almanac, I suddenly wished that he would take his now-unavailable-for-purchase Gileskirk lectures and form them into a logic-stage book. I really, really do.


Has anyone else wished that?


OK. Just had to say that aloud to you girls.


Toodles. :)



Edited by Janie
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I heard Dr. George Grant speak at the 2007 ACCS Conference in Atlanta. I absolutely loved it and hearing him speak!


I think you have an excellent suggestion. Have you checked his blog? I thought he had written some books---but maybe not a book that compiles his lectures into one book.


If you can find his blog, you might offer the suggestion; he might really appreciate the idea. :)

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