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MFW Rome to Reformation music question..


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We are getting ready to start MFW RtoR soon, and while the music portion looks fabulous, I'm trying to save money where possible. I'm wondering if anyone knows how difficult it might be to substitute other classical music cds for the ones scheduled? I have a few on hand, and can check others out from the library, but our library system doesn't have the same ones listed in the TG.


I greatly appreciate any thoughts!!!


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The CDs that MFW sells are a 2-CD set for each composer... one is music only, and the other is his biography (audiobook type thing). You'd just want to make sure you have something for the biography portion of it, if you already have music CDs on hand.


Personally, though, we've found it easiest to fit the composer studies into our day by being able to listen to those biography CDs at dinnertime or in the van while doing errands. We've done lots of that, and I've read where a lot of others have done it this way, too. So while you don't *have* to have the exact ones that MFW sells, there is some benefit to it.

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A couple of suggestions:


Amazon sells the biography CDs -- The Story of (composer) in Words and Music. I think they are $3-4 each. So if you were planning an Amazon order and this would put you into the free shipping category... Search for "The Story of (composer's name)" and/or "The Story of (composer's name) in Words and Music" in the music section. The CDs are part of the Vox Music Masters series.


Here are some audiobook biography CDs you might find at your library:


The Story of Classical Music by Darren Henley

Famous Composers by Darren Henley (Vivaldi, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Dvorak, Shostakovich)

More Famous Composers by Darren Henley (Handel, Haydn, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Rachmaninov)


These have biographical information and short musical exerpts; the dc and I enjoy them. The first title is aimed at adults, the other two are for kids.


Your library might also have some of the Opal Wheeler composer biographies, or biographies by other authors, if you would rather read about the composers.

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Donna and Trixie--Thank you so much for your help!


Donna, I really appreciate your feedback. It sounds like we would definitely benefit from owning the biographical cds. We take advantage of van time too. :)


Trixie, thank you for those search terms! I had been unable to locate them at Amazon before, but thanks to you, they are now in my cart! I do have an order I'm working on, so I was able to add all three for $12 and free shipping!


I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help!


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I do have an order I'm working on, so I was able to add all three for $12 and free shipping!


That's what I was going to suggest. Glad you found them! :)


We are getting ready to start CtG and I have classical music CDs, but I was going to buy the "Story of...." CDs.

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