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How long does CW take your 4th grader? IEW?


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As you may know from my many posts, I'm trying to decide between WS, IEW & CW for writing next year. If only SWB's program was out in workbooks through 4th grade! Anyway...


How long does CW take you? I realize the days are different, but on average? How about IEW? Are you still doing grammar with CW?

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We've finished CW Aesop and are halfway through Homer A. I think the program is great and plan to go through all of the CW levels.


I used my own plan with Aesop instead of the workbooks; it took less than an hour, four days a week. Some days were lighter.


With Homer A, we are using the workbooks and Harvey's grammar. We usually complete all of the assignments in an hour, four days a week; but as the models are getting longer, I feel like we really need 1 1/2 hours to do it right.

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Using IEW, my 3rd grade ds did his out line yesterday on space (25 minutes). He is doing a mini-research report, 2 paragraphs, fused outline, minimal help from me. I handed him the resources and assignment. He completed his rough draft this morning (cursive), 2 paragraphs 6-8 sentence each. I haven't looked at it yet, but is sounded pretty good when he read it out loud (40 minutes). After I correct it , and go over it with him he will start typing it and he does about 25 minutes a day of that and will have a final on Friday as assigned.

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For Aesop, we spent well under an hour. I'd say we were doing a couple of hours a week. For Homer, we made it through Homer A and B spending no more than an hour daily (4 hours per week). Of course, we didn't do the grammar exercises, so keep that in mind.


As I've posted all over the place, I LOVE CW! And I don't think that a 5th or 6th grader spending 4 hours a week in a writing class is excessive at all.


You can see my sample lesson plans for CW Aesop and Homer on the right sidebar of my blog.

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