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Is there a children's version of Cicero???


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Given that Cicero didn't write stories that could be adapted for children, I'm not aware that it's even possible to write/publish what you seem to be asking for.


All of his works are philosophical, political, or legal. And Cicero is read for his grammar and syntax as much as his ideas.


You could find translations easily enough, but I can't think of any writing by Cicero I would expose a young child to. A teenager, sure. I was in my teens when I was translating Cicero. But not a child.


I'm not aware of any biographies of him in English that would be suitable for children, either.



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I would like top study Cicero with my kiddoes, but would like a childrens version to get them familiar with his writings...or even his biography. Thanks,



Famous Men of Rome, by John Haaren and A.B. Poland, has a very short biography (a few pages) of Cicero. There's an audio book version on Librivox.org and an online version on the Baldwin Project. It is in the public domain. Memoria Press has a illustrated version of Famous Men of Rome as well as Famous Men of Greece. You might also find a short biography of him (in English) in third or fourth year Latin books.


Cicero was a lawyer, politican and philosopher, as Clwcain points out. Latin students have traditionally begun reading his orations in the third year of a formal Latin study, after completing all grammar, plus reading Livy and Caesar. It's not likely you'll find a children's version in English of his work because of the complex subjects that he writes about. There are some English translations by Michael Grant, published by Penguin Classics which are still in print, but these are not what you are looking for.


You might find some brief quotations by Cicero in books of famous quotations.

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The Book of Virtues (p 333-334) has a short piece (very short!) called "Cicero on Friendship". And, The Story of the Romans has several pages which mention Cicero.


Probably not quite what you're looking for...



Actually, this was just what I was looking for...thanks!


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