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Any opinions on Timeliner XE?


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Think carefully before making this purchase through the co-op. Here's my thought process on it:


Cost is $59, plus $3 for co-op fee, plus $8 for shipping. Total cost $70.


BUT....you will NOT be able to return the product in the event that you decide you don't like, it doesn't work on your particular computer set up, etc etc etc. Through the co-op there are NO REFUNDS whatsoever. If it's a defective product they will EXCHANGE, however it clearly states that even for a defective product YOU have to pay the shipping fee to return it.



Now...look at the same product on the publisher's website (www.tomsnyder.com) and you'll see that it's $75 for an individual issue, and the shipping was $6. So that makes it $81. So for an additional $11 I have ONE YEAR to decide if I like the product....if I don't, I can return it for a FULL refund. One year! I find that an amazing return policy frankly. PLUS.....they offer a LIFETIME warranty on the disks.....if a disk is scratched or otherwise damaged, they'll replace it for you at no charge. Don't know about your house, but we have a lot of scratched disks around here....to the point where now I actually make copies of them so we aren't using the originals. I've watched the kids and they don't seem rough on disks, but they still end up constantly scratched!


I love the concept of the co-op....but I've yet to find a deal that is worth doing with them.....for the few items I've been interested in the dollars I'd save aren't worth the restrictions. Money is tight around here and yes that $11 would be nice to save, but not if it is going to limit my options so much. I absolutely love the idea of having an entire year to see how much we actually use and enjoy and benefit from the product before losing my chance to return it. Oh if only more things came with that! I can't tell you how many times I've bought something that looked like it would be great, we get it home and hey it is great.....well, for the first few times we use it, and then we realize it's really not as great as we thought and it sits on the shelf until I resell it at a loss. I know I can't be the only one with that problem. So, the idea of being able to return it when/if the product sits on our shelf for weeks is a big plus. And the lifetime replacement disks mean that if it IS a great product that we use then I don't have to worry about the scratches that seem to happen no matter how careful we are.


I have Tom Snyder's Timeliner 5.0 which is a product we used for quite a while, but now we have upgraded our computers and it won't run on the newer operating system. So I'm going to probably get this new version as it looks even better than the one we had. My big question (and I sent Tom Snyder an email late Friday but haven't heard back because of the weekend).....I wonder if this new version allows you to print out your timeline after you create it. I loved the concept of creating it on the computer, but I'd really prefer to have the ability to print it and put it on the wall, or in our notebooks so that we have more constant access to it. When we used the older version we didn't have a color printer so it was never something we wanted.


Anyway...hope my thought process anaylsis helps you decide!

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Thanks for all the information. As of yet, I've never purchased anything off of Homeschool Buyers' Co-op. It was great to hear your perspective. You made some really good points. As it is, I live in England so it is near to impossible to return anything that I buy for homeschool. It's just way too much of a hastle, so when I buy, it's with the knowledge that it's mine for life. I will consider the pros and cons, though.


I'd love to hear Tom Snyder's response to you about whether the timelines can be printed. Please pm me if you think of it. Thanks.

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I am watching this thread too. OP - thanks for reminding me about this product - it has been on my wish list. Connie -- your points convinced me. And I had the same question about printing. I presume XE has all the other features of the old product (which I've used, but don't own)?


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Guest MelodyB

The Homeschool Buyer's COOP alerted me to this one, too. However, I found it cheaper at :



I'm thinking of buying it, but interested in others' experiences.


I, too, was curious about the printing options. Here is a link to the documentation (scroll down to page 81) :





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I heard back from TomSnyder and like Melody's link shows, you can print it.


Another feature they mentioned is that apparently once you've created your timeline using their software you can export it as a .pdf file and print it like any other pdf file.



Which means that I could imagine us creating the timeline, printing it on banner paper and putting it on the long wall in the hallway.



Just wanted to let everyone know the response I received.

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The Homeschool Buyer's COOP alerted me to this one, too. However, I found it cheaper at :



I'm thinking of buying it, but interested in others' experiences.


I, too, was curious about the printing options. Here is a link to the documentation (scroll down to page 81) :







Academic Superstore's price is $59 but they charge $12.50 for shipping, making the price $71.50. And their return/warranty policy are better than the Homeschool co-op but still not as great as buying it from the manufacturer's website. Though for those of you out of the USA who wouldn't be looking at return/warranty as a benefit, it might be worth jumping through the hoops to qualify (if out of country can).


And...the hoops a homeschooler has to jump through to qualify at Academic Superstore is a bit too labor intensive for me, lol. But...if there was other stuff at their store that I might be interested as well, it might be worth jumping. Their shipping is based on the cost of the product, so it might get more reasonable as you add more products. THe $12.50 is for $50-99 in product, but for $100-250 it's only $14.50. Divide that by several products and it's reasonable shipping.

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