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How can I best combine these 2 curriculums for history for grade 6 next year


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I really want to use Diana Waring's RRR next year. However, we have been using MOH 1 and I like it as well. I would like to use these together, but cannot figure out if this is doable, redundant, etc. Part of the appeal of DW is the faster pacing. Her RRR would cover the material in both MOH 2 AND 3 within one year. Her Yahoo group has the MOH 2 aligned with RRR. Apparently her first 6 of 9 units cover the time period in MOH 2. I guess I am trying to decide which of these two curriculums should be "top dog." They really are quite different from each other, but I like aspects of both. In particular I like the reviewing, quizzes, tests in MOH. Additionally I don't want to spend all of our time on history. Should I just use MOH and supplement with DW audios? Or should I use all of DW and add in MOH? Can anybody help me? The DW Ancients and MOH 1 line up much better b/c they cover the exact same time period. Need wisdom please!

Thanks in advance.


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I would check out the yahoo file sections for Mystery of History. I just went and looked for you and they have schedules that combine the 2.


Here is a link to the yahoo group: Mystery of History 1


And make sure you check out the yahoo group for year 2 as well.


I know I utilized her cd's when we were using MOH vol. 1. They were a great addition to MOH. :D



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yes, they are 2 VERY different curriculums. For us, MOH took the top position only b/c the smaller lessons/bite size pieces were easier to "digest" for my 2nd and 4th graders. My 6th grader enjoyed listening to the audios of DW as did I. I often used DW activity suggestions for my 4th and 6th grader to liven things up a bit. It's not hard to combine since her Yahoo group has the 2 curriculums "jived". For a 6th grader, I would say try Diana's curriculum exclusively for a while to see how the "fit" is w/ your dc. It is a bit tedious to try and do both or pick and choose. Diana's material is certainly not too intimidating for a 6th grader. Having not looked at MOH 2 yet, I can't really give an opinion, but I do know that Diana has just finished revising her RRR books.

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