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WHAT am I allergic to??

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I am so itchy right now I can hardly stand it!!!


For breakfast this morning, I had a bowl of oatmeal. It's our usual Tuesday morning breakfast; not my favorite, but it's food, it's cheap, and it's healthy.


I added some cinnamon, sugar, flax meal, milk. Same as always. Left to go to my part-time job.


About an hour after eating, I started coughing, and felt like I was coming down with something. Then my nose began to get stuffy. My face felt like it was getting warm.


I had to use the bathroom, and when I saw my face I was shocked! It was ALL RED! My eyes were red & bloodshot. My neck started to get itchy. Then my face, ears, upper body.


I realized I'm reacting to something.. probably that I ate. But I've eaten nothing "new"!


Ds brought me some Benadryl from home; I took three. The cough has gone, and the "congestion" in my upper chest is better. My nose isn't runny, and is less stuffy. I haven't gone back to look in the mirror. I'm still very itchy; it's driving me crazy.


What could I possibly be reacting to?

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I might look at detergent, since you just got dressed (probably) new any environment change.

If you think it's breakfast....look on the box and see what allergens are in it. Nuts, peanuts, whatever else. Maybe for some reason there's something added? I don't get that itchy from anything....but....we have allergies!

Maybe a lotion or new make-up? Hair spray... You have to just go through everything...


Doesn't sound like breakfast, though. Were you at work before it started?



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I might look at detergent, since you just got dressed (probably) new any environment change.

If you think it's breakfast....look on the box and see what allergens are in it. Nuts, peanuts, whatever else. Maybe for some reason there's something added? I don't get that itchy from anything....but....we have allergies!

Maybe a lotion or new make-up? Hair spray... You have to just go through everything...


Doesn't sound like breakfast, though. Were you at work before it started?




Those are good thought Carrie, but nothing's new. Same detergent, make up, lotion, hair spray.


I'd been at work about 20 minutes when it all started.


The gal who pays the bills was here last night, sat in this chair. But that happens every week. I can't imagine what she'd brought in with her.


I have environmental allergies (pollens, mold, animal dander), but have NEVER reacted like this before! It usually just in my nose and eyes.



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I had only environmental allergies until I was 30 years old, but then I started reacting very much like you did for apparently no reason at all. If it weren't for my mother, who has food senstivities and environmental allergies, I never would have gone to an allergist. Eighty-five shots in my back later, and I got quite a list. Included were oats. Yep, oats. There seems to be some question as to whether there's gluten in them (according to which source you're reading). Also corn, wheat, rye, barley, soy, and mushrooms came up.


Another one that surprised me was orris root. It's the root of an iris that is taken up when the flower is harvested and it's ground up and used as perfume in everything even remotely flowery--lotions, makeup, perfumes, detergents and fabric softeners, shampoos, hair spray--all kinds of stuff. I have to go with either unscented or fruit-scented products.


My doctor explained to me that even if I ingest a small amount, I'm having a reaction--even if I don't feel it. By the time you have trouble breathing and are itchy and red-faced, it's come quite a way.


That was a rather long-winded way to say, "Get thee to an allergist!" It would be dangerous for you to go any longer.


Good luck to you.:001_smile:

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Here's another thought... I'm thinking of going to the allergist...again...and having my child tested in a controlled environment. She's allergic to peanuts, nuts, shellfish...and other things. I'd like to know if she's truly allergic or what...because I saw a news show that said that you can test allergic with the scratch test or blood test...and not really be allergic.

It's a problem with kids...because everyone is petrified to have someone who comes with Benadryl and an Epi-pen!


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Those are good thought Carrie, but nothing's new. Same detergent, make up, lotion, hair spray.


I'd been at work about 20 minutes when it all started.


The gal who pays the bills was here last night, sat in this chair. But that happens every week. I can't imagine what she'd brought in with her.


I have environmental allergies (pollens, mold, animal dander), but have NEVER reacted like this before! It usually just in my nose and eyes.




Is it possible the girl just got a cat or other animal?

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Here's another thought... I'm thinking of going to the allergist...again...and having my child tested in a controlled environment. She's allergic to peanuts, nuts, shellfish...and other things. I'd like to know if she's truly allergic or what...because I saw a news show that said that you can test allergic with the scratch test or blood test...and not really be allergic.

It's a problem with kids...because everyone is petrified to have someone who comes with Benadryl and an Epi-pen!


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