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8th gr R&S English writing questions...

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So, since we're not encouraged to do "creative writing" should I force my ds to write a short story? Can we just read the lessons and then discuss how they apply to the literature we're reading? What do you think?


I was thinking we'd just skip this, but then I think Writing Strands has the kids write a short story, too. If anyone knows for sure, I would love to know.


Also, how strict should I be on the "research paper"? The sample is 880 words, about 15 paragraphs.


This is turning into a scheduling nightmare. He's had this assignment alongside the grammar assignments for the past week because I figured in public school this would be an "at home" project. But no matter how many times I told him to take more notes, he didn't really take *different* ones. (He really is a "just the facts" kind of guy - his notes are so sparse!)


Today I helped him figure out 11 good paragraph topics (again -- he lost the first outline - ugh!). And, I went through one of the books with him looking for additional notes on the first two topics - hoping he would see that even little things should be written down.


Should I just sit with him and go through the book and help him take notes on everything? Kind of like when he was learning to write a paragraph, and it seemed like it was all me? Is it "OK" if this paper is "all me"? I really thought we weren't going to be doing a research paper until high school, but I also don't want him to be "behind" iykwim.


Thanks for listening! This wasn't a stellar day. :glare:

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"So, since we're not encouraged to do "creative writing" should I force my ds to write a short story? Can we just read the lessons and then discuss how they apply to the literature we're reading? What do you think? "




absolutely. that is what I would do. fight over something that you know you might win. not battles that you are giong to loose.

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Thanks, Melissa. Glad to hear I'm not alone in my thinking!


(In my ds's defense, I can't imagine him "fighting" me on it. Dragging his feet, feeling lost, staring into space not knowing what to say, feeling like nothing he writes is "good" enough...yes. But not in an ugly way. Not sure you meant to imply that, just wanted to be more clear.)


We're just already so far "behind" (and, yes, I know we're homeschooling - which means we go at our own pace, and therefore can't be "behind"). I'm just looking to eliminate the unnecessary so that the mandatory things don't so completely overwhelm us.

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I wasn't meaning to imply a fight. just I know if I demanded a creative writing piece with my son. he would mope around for days, I would become very frustrated and he would end up going on strike. .


now my son does do his history writing. but it is much easier. there is something to write about.


I have a friend who starves her nearly 16 ds child until he produces his creative writing piece. he has gone 3 days without food before. I think it isn't worth the battle.

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