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Double Date ideas?

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We were asked to go on a double date. The couple that asked us is fairly new to our area - they moved here in late September. Because dh and I rarely go out, we don't know of any place to suggest. We don't know these people *super* well yet, though we know them fairly well (they are in our life group at church).


If you lived in a well populated city, or on the outskirts of one, what would you do? I am hesitant to suggest something artsy for this first time out together (though I would *love* to go to the symphony!), but I wouldn't be super opposed to it either. Dinner is a given, but there's got to be something really *fun* we could do (it was suggested we go to a kareoke bar, but I have already stated that lots and lots of alcohol would have to be involved for me to do that, LOL).



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We were asked to go on a double date. The couple that asked us is fairly new to our area - they moved here in late September. Because dh and I rarely go out, we don't know of any place to suggest. We don't know these people *super* well yet, though we know them fairly well (they are in our life group at church).


If you lived in a well populated city, or on the outskirts of one, what would you do? I am hesitant to suggest something artsy for this first time out together (though I would *love* to go to the symphony!), but I wouldn't be super opposed to it either. Dinner is a given, but there's got to be something really *fun* we could do (it was suggested we go to a kareoke bar, but I have already stated that lots and lots of alcohol would have to be involved for me to do that, LOL).




How about bowling?

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With other couples, we prefer activities that allow for talking so we tend to not choose performances.


The bowling idea above would be good, IMHO.


Depending on the time of day, we've had great fun going to museums, zoos, aquariums or hikes. (Somtimes with dinner or coffee afterwards.) This gives plenty of time to talk but also provides something to talk about if there's a lull. HTH

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