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Please post what you will be teaching....

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I haven't really thought this far ahead yet! But my oldest will start piano lessons and I'm trying to make practice a habit through the summer. We'll continue with math and reading as always. Last summer we did a long unit study about trains. I know my 4yo really wants to do airplanes so maybe we'll try that this year. I like to do something different and lighter for a few months. But I'm also contemplating starting our official school year earlier in the summer, so who knows?!

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I am planning to continue on through as much as I can. We do school year round, but we will be moving to a new state this summer...wish I new which one :confused: , so we will be busy packing and unpacking. I hope to at least continue with math and language arts.


We like to work light in the summer due to the fact that dh is out of school and this summer will not be doing any extra academic research. And because we are moving, we want to visit as many places in the area that we can since it will be unlikely we will return any time soon. Guess we'll be taking school on the road!

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