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How long does it take to get through the Tools for Young Historians Kit?


My 10yo is doing SL Core 5 right now and we're taking it slow, stretching it to 1 1/2 years. I planned to finish it halfway through next year, then do Mapping the World By Heart. The Brimwood Press materials look like they would be perfect to do at the end of next year. He would be just turned 12yo, 6th grade. The following year I plan to use SL Core 6.


I'm just wondering if I could fit the Brimwood Press materials in. I don't even know how long it will take me to get through Mapping the World By Heart, I'm expecting it to take about 12 weeks. So that would give me about 6 weeks for Brimwood Press. Would this be enough?

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Given my other post, I am considering doing this to fill in the rest of this year, and then proceeding to a textbook approach.


I believe her site says 3 lessons a week over 10 weeks? Can one really get it done in this amount of time? Seems like someone said she was having to take two days per lesson???


Thanks for asking this question!

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For the World View Class it takes about a week (I believe we did this in 4 days)


For Tooth Pick time we took only a couple of days.


We are on lesson 11 of the 'What every child needs to know about Western Civilization' and for us it takes about 1.5 lessons (sometimes 2) for every lesson scheduled. There are 16 lessons. So, I would say consider about 26 lessons. Now, if you read Calendar Quest as a Read Aloud in the evening or some other such arrangement, then simply schedule the 16 lessons. We do lessons every day for about 1 hour. However, I tend to go somewhat slow because I review every day (sometimes quickly, and sometimes not). I tend to always go slowly trying to get my kids to REALLY remember and master. We do get out the timeline each scheduled lesson (at least 16 times) and this takes time as we review stickers previously placed (maybe 10 minutes?).


The program does include extra material to take even longer per lesson such as website recommendations, writing and research ideas, the Historical Facts Sheets which could be filled out for different world leaders and events, and maybe some others. If we did all this, the program would take 3 lessons per lesson scheduled.


The kids are behind on their coloring books. Each page (one per civilization era) has alot of coloring on it. If you have dc who work well together, get only one coloring book and let them do it together. Then, make those placemats! I can't wait until they finish at least one set.


I may also have them do some sort of end project, say using a display board and put together the flow of the calendar/western civilization, and then eat off our placemats for the very first time, and ???? I need to think about this some more.





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