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Is this in SOTW-4? I tho't so, but can't find it....


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I'm trying to plan the rest of our history for the year, and I read (or dreamed?) a "story" about pretending you were a child in London in WWII, and how things were being rationed (food, clothes, shoes, soap), and so your birthday cake was make without milk or eggs. (OK, this is the part where I admit, maybe I dreamed it???)


Then, you are sent to live with your Aunt in the country and there you learn to work on a farm. Eventually, you are put back on a train and reunited with your parents.


Oh, and before you were sent to the country, you would walk to school and see the homes and buildings that had been destroyed the night before.


So....do you remember this from SOTW-4? I've scanned it 5 times and can't find it, but I can't imagine where else I would have read it.


Any help is *greatly* appreciated!!!!

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