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History Lives Series... user reviews, please?


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I'm looking to supplement SOTW 2 for my 11yo and am hoping someone might be familiar with these.




There are some background chapters (middle ages, etc.) and some on specific people (Origen). I liked it better than Trial and Triumph because it was more concise (but maybe not if you buy all 5 books). I like the writing style.


I'm reading aloud select chapters with SOTW 1 & 2 to my 11yob as we get to the time period that overlap.

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Thanks MIch elle.


Do you think it's better suited as a read-aloud?


My dc learn best by hearing rather than reading it themselves. If your dc love to read, learn best that way, and you can discuss the book with them, then by all means have them read it themselves. The writing style is very engaging.


But it's easy to read aloud and then fill in the blanks for my dc. Take Monks & Mystics chapter 2 Gregory The Great for example, it talks about St. Peter's Basilica and the Lombards. Well maybe your dc know what those are but mine don't. I can tell him what is St. Peter's Basilica (who's St. Peter, what is a Basilica, look at pictures from the internet, etc) and who are the Lombards, etc.


I've also learned that although I love to read and have always been a great reader all through school, I too retain the info better if I read it aloud & discuss it adding bits and pieces to the story.



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Last May when I was asked to choose my curriculum, I went out on a limb by choosing SOTW 1-4 for grades 5-8 and including the History Lives series also. I teach grades 6-8 so I use Heart & Hands, Monks & Mystics, Courage & Conviction, and will add the fifth one next year, if the admin will agree.


These are fantastic books that give another perspective to SWB's books. Here is an old blog post about the books.


I've coordinated SOTW and HL books into my master schedule and the kids enjoy them. I'd love to develop some vocab lists to augment the chapters, but that will have to wait for another day. :)

Edited by Janie
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I've coordinated SOTW and HL books into my master schedule and the kids enjoy them. I'd love to develop some vocab lists to augment the chapters, but that will have to wait for another day. :)


Oh Janie... if only we lived in VA! I'd be signing my guys up for your class. ;)


Seriously though, thanks for another confirmation. I think they will be a great addition to our history studies.

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